ELCA Embraces Creation Care with the Launch of "One Home One Future"

The ELCA, in partnership with other faith communities, launched "One Home One Future," a campaign inviting congregations to champion creation care and climate action. With resources from ecoAmerica's Blessed Tomorrow program, it aims to unite and inspire congregations in their environmental stewardship efforts. Read the original post from ELCA Advocacy at ELCA.org.

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Installation of Rev. Joshua Pontius

Rev. Joshua Pontius will be installed as Associate Pastor at Community of Grace, Peoria (10561 W Pinnacle Peak Rd., Peoria, AZ 85282) on Sunday, 11/5/2023. The Installation will be at both Sunday services (9am & 10:30am). The service will be recorded and posted online afterward on the Community of Grace website (boldrecklessgrace.org). Rostered Ministers are invited to attend, but there will be no vesting or processing. Pastor Josh will be starting at Community of Grace on October 22, 2023.

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Installation of Rev. Carl Sirotzki

Rev. Carl Sirotzki will be installed at Mount Cross Lutheran (601 E Highway 260, Payson, AZ 85541), on Reformation Sunday, 10/29/2023, at their 9:30am worship service. Pastor Patricia Reed will preach and be doing the installation. Rostered ministers are invited to process. The color of the day is red. The service will be live-streamed on Facebook, and posted on mountcross.org.

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Fe, Esperanza y Voces Latinés: Una Conversación Sincera con Maria Santa Cruz

La Rev. Maria Santa Cruz discute la importancia de amplificar las voces latinés dentro de la ELCA, enfatizando la representación, apreciación cultural e inclusividad. Destaca los esfuerzos del Sínodo de Pacífica en ser inclusivo y expresa esperanza en el papel activo de Dios en apoyar a las comunidades vulnerables.

Rev. Maria Santa Cruz discusses the importance of amplifying Latiné voices within the ELCA, emphasizing representation, cultural appreciation, and inclusivity. She highlights the Pacifica Synod's efforts in being inclusive and expresses hope in God's active role in supporting vulnerable communities.

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From Prayer to Action: Why Your Congregation Should Join 'One Home One Future'

Join 'One Home One Future,' a 7-year multi-faith campaign championed by ecoAmerica's Blessed Tomorrow Program and 30+ faith organizations. Engage in collective climate action, harness vital resources, and be a beacon of hope and justice in the climate change conversation. Sign up today!

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ELCA and Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Champion the "One Home One Future" Climate Campaign

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the ELCA joins 30 other US denominations in launching the "One Home One Future" campaign, urging congregations to champion environmental stewardship. Read more from Blessed Tomorrow about how faith and care for our shared Earth intertwine in this historic multi-faith movement. Visit the One Home One Future site here.

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2023 Triennial Gathering Focuses on “Just Love”

Nearly 800 women from across the country converged on the Phoenix Convention Center to learn, grow, worship and serve together during Women of the ELCA’s 2023 Just Love Gathering, Sept. 21-24, 2023. Workshops, Bible studies and plenaries covered a range of topics, including immigration, human trafficking, climate change, the Truth and Healing Movement and allyship. View photos of the event here and read a full summary here.

Servant events allowed women to give back by donating blood, making quilts for Lutheran World Relief, participating in the “Run, Walk and Roll” 5K to benefit Women of the ELCA’s Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls initiative, donating in-kind gifts for Phoenix-area non-profits, and knitting and crocheting “Knitted Knockers” breast prostheses.

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God's Love Made Real: A Conversation with Presiding Bishop Eaton

All members of synod congregations are invited to learn about the God's Love Made Real movement from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. Bishop Craig Schweitzer of the Western North Dakota Synod will serve as the host of this online event on Tuesday, 10/17/2023, 10-10:30am PDT/MST, 11-11:30am MDT. Registration is encouraged but not required; you may just join the meeting via this Zoom link.

God's Love Made Real encourages the ELCA to create a world experiencing the difference God's grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation. Bishop Eaton will share in a personal way, through examples, stories, and questions and answers, why God’s Love Made Real is vital to her and this church. 

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Awaken Your Spiritual Potential: A Transformative Learning Journey for Impactful Living

Discover and embrace your unique spiritual gifts with "Exploring Your Gifts and Talents," a transformative and strategic course from Luther Seminary’s faith+lead designed to empower congregation members to unearth their spiritual gifts and apply them in impactful ways within their communities and churches. Engage in this enriching learning experience, align your God-given purpose with your inherent talents, and answer the world’s deep need.

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Breaking the Chains of Poverty: Women Leading Change in Malawi

In Malawi, where over 70% of the population lives in poverty and hunger rates are alarmingly high, self-help groups are proving to be a beacon of hope, especially for women. These groups, initiated by the Evangelical Lutheran Development Service with support from ELCA World Hunger, are empowering women with knowledge, financial aid, and community support, enabling them to secure alternative income sources and combat food insecurity effectively, even amid catastrophes like Cyclone Freddy. Read more in Living Lutheran.

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