Observing Ash Wednesday in Unexpected Circumstances

After perhaps a year or more of not gathering on-site for Ash Wednesday services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, worshiping communities across a large swath of the US are dealing with or expecting severe weather that would prevent gathering on-site.

Conversations on social media have begun, as fellow worship planners ask one another what they are doing when assembling for worship on-site will not be possible.

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ELCA Worship News: February, 2023

ELCA Worship shares their news for January, 2023.

Don't forget to visit ELCA.org/worship and click on "Worship Resources" for a library of liturgical and formational resources for use in your context. You might find something new (or new to you) and share it with others who help plan worship in your context. Blessings as we approach Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent.

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Fuller Church Leadership Institute: The Crucible newsletter for February, 2023

The Fuller Church Leadership Institute shares their Crucible newsletter for February, 2023.

“This month's newsletter offers you a link to an article that for Fuller Magazine #24, Renewing the Church. Admittedly, it starts with a troubling question, but it takes us to a familiar and faithful place. How do you lead when you cannot understand the present moment, let alone predict the future? Read the whole article and all of the rest in this issue of Fuller Magazine.

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Situation Report: Türkiye and Syria Earthquake

Lutheran Disaster Response is contributing to ACT Alliance to address the devastation from the earthquakes. There are several ACT Alliance members already active in the region that are providing immediate aid. These organizations are supplying blankets, mattresses, hot meals and hygiene kits to earthquake survivors. As needs are assessed, the organizations will establish further actions.

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Faith Lens: Stand Firm

Students of all races at Collingswood High School in South Jersey recently protested two straight days over allegations of racism in their school. During the peaceful demonstration, students protested racial profiling, lack of inclusivity, and how their Black classmates are disproportionately disciplined.

In a recorded statement student Abygail St. Louis shares her frustration and why it has come to protesting for equal rights for her and her classmates. She says she would rather be in the classroom.

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ELCA/Disciples bilateral dialogue affirms shared understanding of Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) concluded a productive meeting on January 26-28, 2023, at the Disciples Ministry Center in Fullerton, California, to continue their ongoing bilateral dialogue.

The dialogue team studied together the WCC Faith and Order Commission’s theological convergent text, Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry.

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For What Shall We Pray? A Weekly Prayer Resource

In the fall of 2021, the ELCA Worship Blog began a weekly series entitled, “Prompts for Prayers of Intercession.” Beginning this Lent, the blog series will be retitled, “For What Shall We Pray?”

This new title honors a more expansive understanding of the purpose of this resource. It is a weekly invitation for individuals, groups, and congregations to remain mindful of the needs of our world, and to lift one another up in prayer.

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Lilly Foundation's Compelling Preaching Initiative interest form due 3/1/2023

Lilly Endowment is pleased to announce its Compelling Preaching Initiative. The primary aim of this initiative is to cultivate practices among aspiring and active preachers that can help them to proclaim the gospel to a variety of audiences in more engaging and effective ways.

In this open and competitive national initiative, eligible charitable organizations may submit proposals for grants of up to $1.25 million that may be used for up to a five-year period to develop new and/or enhance existing programs that present promising strategies to further the aim of the initiative. Learn more in this PDF from the Lilly Endowment.

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Spirited Book Club: Rooted & Rising

Join the Spirited Book Club during Lent for a discussion of Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis, edited by Leah Schade and Margaret Bullitt-Jonas. Discussion of the March book selection is facilitated by Sheri Brown. Register to receive Zoom link.

The book is discussed over two meetings on Thursdays, March 2 and March 16, 2023 at 2pm MST, 1pm PST.

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40 Days of Caring for Creation: A Lenten Practicum

Join learner/facilitator Sheri Brown on each Thursday of 2023 Lent at 4:00 pm MST (AZ) for six half-hour virtual workshops, beginning Thursday, February 23, as we live into 40 days of caring for creation. Register to receive Zoom link and join the Spirit in the Desert community

  • February 23: Coming full circle, a fuller and creation-integrated faith.

  • March 2: Present bias and why it is working against future generations.

  • March 9: Your carbon footprint and what it says about walking the talk of faith.

  • March 16: Food choices and what they say about putting your money where your mouth is.

  • March 23: Human migration patterns and global demographic decline.

  • March 30: Purchasing choices and what they say about faith-based earth advocacy.

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Boundary Training course completion certificates due by 2/28/2023

All active Grand Canyon Synod rostered ministers are required to participate in professional boundary training every three years. Retired rostered ministers are not required. The Office of the Bishop has partnered with CongregationU to provide Boundary Awareness Training for $29.00.

Click here to take this course by 2/15/2023, and email your certificate of completion to office@gcsynod.org by 2/28/2023. Learn more in a letter from Bishop Hutterer in this post.

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