Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 12/4/2022
  • For rebuilding and recovery work following tornadoes in the southern United States…

  • For families grieving children killed in a school bombing in northern Afghanistan…

  • For an end to continued war in Ukraine…

  • For an end to gun violence in our nation…

  • For nations and governments in leadership transitions…

  • For all who are struggling with and recovering from RSV, Covid, and other illnesses…

  • For strength and stability in marriages and all partnered relationships…

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A big dream to end child homelessness

Roxana Boroujerdi had spent decades as a social worker serving youth in Everett, Wash., when she opted for a change of pace in her career: She opened an ice cream business. That might seem like a major shift but, at its heart, Boroujerdi said, the work was similar. “There’s nothing that brings me more joy than seeing a happy kid,” she said.

With that, her transition to being the “Fun Times Ice Cream Lady” was complete.

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Advent Pilgrimage in Palestine 2022

Advent Pilgrimage in Palestine is a four-week virtual pilgrimage from the ELCA’s Peace Not Walls, Young Adult Ministry, Arab and Middle Eastern ministry, and ALAMEH featuring young adult voices from the ELCA and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

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The ongoing Reformation of language for God

Mary J. Streufert wrote her new book Language for God: A Lutheran Perspective (Fortress Press, 2022) for those people and other readers who need assurance that language and images for God include all genders and ethnicities, who are unsure why language and images for God matter, and who want language for God to be faithful to the Scriptures and to the witness of Christian theological tradition.

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