Grand Canyon Synod Manna Grants available to alleviate hunger

Thanks to a gift from Ascension Lutheran Church in Paradise Valley honoring the legacy of member Orpha Hoganson, Manna Grants are available for new and continuing projects that work to alleviate hunger and demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion in leadership and decision-making.

All organized congregations, New Starts, Synodically Authorized Worshipping Communities (SAWCs), and Special Ministries of the Grand Canyon Synod are eligible to apply by the 7/31/2022 deadline. More info at

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House of Prayer dedicates new altar

On Sunday, June 19, 2022, members and special guests dedicated a new altar at House of Prayer. The celebration included comments and memories from Suzie DeFassio recalling Pastor Daniel’s love and commitment to ‘all things Native.’ She recalled family reunions at the Mission and the joy of time spent among the Navajo people.

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The Rev. Dr. Yolanda Denson-Byers: My Freedom Day as a Female, Black and Queer Pastor 

To be a female, Black and gay pastor on “Freedom Day” necessitates a certain amount of introspection, for my relationship with the church has long been a queer dance whose steps I don’t often apprehend.

Galatians 3:28 says: “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” Yet this oneness has been elusive in the ELCA and elsewhere, has it not?

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: June 24, 2022
COVID-19 community levels: 6/23/2022

In the South and West, cases and hospitalizations are increasing substantially. Daily new infections have nearly doubled this month in Arkansas and Kentucky, and in Wyoming, they are four times as high as they were two weeks ago.

According to the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Levels, Apache, Clark, and Navajo are at high levels.

Medium levels counties are now: Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Greenlee, Maricopa, Mohave, Pima, and Washington.

Low level counties remain in Graham, La Paz, Pinal, Santa Cruz, Yavapai,and Yuma.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: June 26, 2022
  • For those grieving, injured, and displaced after the earthquake in Afghanistan, and for all relief and aid efforts…

  • For the people of Ethiopia, as their nation is torn apart by civil war…

  • For those whose lives have been upended by the war in Ukraine, including civilians trapped in their homes, prisoners of war held behind enemy lines, and those grieving loved ones who’ve been killed…

  • For those organizing and attending Pride celebrations…

  • For LGBTQIA+ siblings who cannot yet feel safe coming out…

  • In thanksgiving for the life and work of Clela Rorex, the first county clerk in the U.S. to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, in Boulder in 1975…

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