PhLY 2022 summer mission trip

PhLY (Phoenix Lutheran Youth High School Ministry) invites all Grand Canyon Synod High School Youth (current 8th - 12th graders) to join us July 16-22, 2022, as we participate in Group Week of Hope mission trip to San Diego, CA.

Group has a week of intentional mission work in local communities planned as time at the beaches. For more info on the trip or joining the PhLY community, email

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Final year of Stewardship for All Seasons features significant scholarships

A new cohort of Stewardship for All Seasons begins May 21, 2022. This year’s program is subsidized significantly by the last year of our Lilly 3E grant and other donors. For more info, view our web page or PDF.

We highly recommend that congregations that participated in Beginning a Culture of Generosity consider signing up for this last cohort of SAS. Scholarships are also be available for second year SAS congregations. If you have questions or want to sign up, please contact Pr. Miguel Gomez-Acosta.

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Bishop Hutterer: Holy Ground

As I approach the end of my Lenten journey, I see the Grand Canyon Synod has many places of holy ground. I have experienced holy ground when in conversation with candidates hoping to enter seminary and with candidates near graduation, waiting to interview with a congregation.

I am on holy ground when I visit our various congregations to preach, preside, meet church leaders, and participate in conversations in special congregation meetings.

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Repentance, Reconciliation, Restoration: A Missionary Update from Slovakia

In this post we share an update from Rev. Kyle & Ånna Svennungsen, ELCA missionaries in Slovakia.

We are writing to you from Bratislava, Slovakia. At Bratislava International Church, our theme for Lent is ‘Walking with Jesus: Repentance, Reconciliation, Restoration.’ This theme was chosen before the war in Ukraine began and it has taken on a whole new meaning in these last four weeks.

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Prayers for Pastor Thaddeus Book

We pray for Pastor Thaddeus Book (Desert Cross, Tempe) who was recently admitted to the hospital needing antiobiotics to treat an elbow infection.

“O Lord, your compassions never fail and your mercies are new every morning. We give you thanks for giving Pastor Thadd both relief from pain and hope of health renewed. Continue in him the good work you have begun; that he, daily increasing in bodily strength and rejoicing in your goodness, may so order his life and conduct that he may always think and do those things that please you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

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Celebrate the 2022 Diakonia graduates

All members of the Grand Canyon Synod are invited to participate in the Diakonia Graduation, Thursday, 6/2/2022, 5pm MST/PDT, 6pm MDT. Register for the Diakonia graduation here. Congratulations to:

Read their testimonies in this post.

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: April 1, 2022
Bishop Eaton: Spring and care for creation

As we prepare to celebrate Earth Day later this month, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton shares some examples of how Lutherans are caring for creation and addressing climate justice.

God calls us to be stewards of the earth, and to fully integrate creation care into our love of God, neighbor and everything in our environment. Learn more at

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: April 3, 2022
  • For further casualties suffered by combatants and civilians in Ukraine…

  • For those who suffer or grieve interpersonal violence

  • For areas suffering wind and storm damage…

  • For all drivers, passengers, and first responders involved in the massive crash on the Pennsylvania interstate…

  • For those navigating chronic, invisible, or progressive illnesses…

  • For those grieving loved ones killed by terrorist gunfire in Tel Aviv…

  • For youth who are navigating questions of identity, gender, and sexual orientation, and for the trusted adults who support them…

  • For our Muslim siblings as they begin the observance of Ramadan…

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Grand Canyon Synod Holy Land Trip reservations almost full

There are a handful of spots remaining for the Grand Canyon Synod Holy Land Trip, led by Bishop Deborah K. Hutterer and Rev. Mark Holman.: January 2-11, 2023. View information on the trip here and view a PDF here.

The trip also includes an optional 3-days post-tour excursion to Jordan, January 11-14, 2023. A waiting list will be available for those who try to reserve after the trip’s limit is reached.

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