Faith Lens: Signs of the Kingdom

On Halloween night in the UK, three children stopped to trick or treat at the house of Brenda Burdon, 86. Brenda apologized because she did not have any treats ready to give out. The youth replied, “It’s OK, because sometimes making people happy and getting a nice big smile is reward enough.”

They returned the next day with muffins and chocolates, a card which they had decorated with pumpkins and doodles. Brenda Burdon’s grandson later said, “She was just lost in happiness that total strangers could leave such a wonderful impression” and that it was the best Halloween of her life.

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Seismic Shifts: Where do we go from here? The 2022 Ignite The Church Conference

Since February 2020, the Church has been enduring unprecedented seismic shifts. In response, a new Hybrid version of the grassroots Ignite the Church Conference will gather February 8-10, 2022—in-person in sunny Orlando AND Online—to reflect on the theme: SEISMIC SHIFTS: Where Do We Go From Here?

To register and learn more about the presenters, workshop options, and other details go to Register by November 30, 2021, to access the lowest $99 In-Person rate. Online option is free.

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Jill Fabricius Keith: Building relationships in Indigenous communities

It’s a sunny day in the Wind River Range of Wyoming. A group of Indigenous people and I form a circle to burn tobacco and offer a prayer of thanks to the Creator for the plants we’re gathering today. Once we pray and provide an offering to Mother Earth, we scatter across the wide-open space to dig up roots and collect berries.

For five years I’ve been listening, learning, collecting plants and building relationships with the Restoring Shoshone Ancestral Food Gathering (RSAFG) group from the Wind River Indian Reservation.

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The way of the Spirit: Get to know Bishop Kevin Jones

When Kevin T. Jones of Mason City, Iowa, was elected bishop of the Northeastern Iowa Synod on June 12, the thought that everything had just changed hit him with a thud as the results of the fifth ballot were announced.

“It was a relief to know that my sound was muted and my camera off at that moment,” said Jones. “It was stunning and humbling and overwhelming, and my brain didn’t turn off for more than two months. It still is all that, but my brain takes the occasional break now and again.”

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Churches Beyond Borders releases devotional inspired by United Nations anti-violence efforts

Working alongside the United Nations' "16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence" campaign, the four member churches of Churches Beyond Borders have compiled a 16-day devotional focusing on the campaign's theme opposing intersectional violence against women. View/download the devotional in PDF format here.

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Rev. Aaron Fuller: Our Collective Healing on this Veterans Day

On November 11, 2021, the nation will observe Veterans Day. It is a day set aside to recognize veterans’ service in the Armed Forces, past and present.

Congregations across the ELCA have chosen to recognize veterans in worship. Others have chosen not to. Both choices are faithful expressions of people’s deepest convictions. I want to offer why all congregations should consider acknowledging veterans in their worship services around Veterans Day this year.

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A prayer for federal chaplains and chaplain candidates

Ever-living God, strengthen and sustain federal chaplains or chaplain candidates for the U.S. military, Veterans Affairs hospitals and federal correctional institutions, that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people. Grant that together they may follow in the way of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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Be Connected Faith Network

Arizona is home to more than 500,000 service members, veterans and their families. Many of these valued members of our community turn to their faith for support, healing and connection.

That is why the Arizona Coalition for Military Families is partnering with members of the faith community around the state to build the Be Connected Faith Network. Read this post or this PDF or visit for more info.

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A prayer for those in the armed forces

Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils that surround them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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