Posts in Worship Resources
Advent worship service available for 11/29/2020 worship

View the worship service at Youtube, download an MP4 recording via Google drive, and view/download a PDF of the worship bulletin.

It is a Service of the Word with a sermon, following the Revised Common Lectionary. Several of our seminary students are participating so it's also a good opportunity for people to meet them via video.

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Language around Disability: An Invitation to Conversation

When we come before God in worship, we bring our whole selves. What does that actually mean? For many people in the ELCA it means coming to worship with the assistance of a mobility, audio, visual, or sensory device.

Unfortunately, in many of our churches or places of worship, it is our siblings in Christ who have disabilities and need such devices who feel the least welcome at the table.

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Worship in the Home: Sunday, 11/1/2020

In this time of world-wide crisis, congregations throughout this church are not able to gather for worship as the body of Christ. While you cannot be together in person, we can hear the word of God and hold each other in prayer. We offer this brief resource as an aid for prayer in the home. As with our prayers in the gathered assembly for worship, you are encouraged to prepare or adapt them locally for your context.

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Faith Lens: Jen Krausz

According to articles by Foundation for Economic Education, a libertarian think tank, and Fox News, The World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its position to say that countries around the world should not rely on lockdowns to stop outbreaks of the coronavirus.

The advice comes as the number of new COVID-19 cases is rising in the United States and across Europe, with some leaders considering new lockdowns to bring the numbers down.

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