Posts in Resources
8/17/2020 Prayer:  Remember in prayer the people and communities of India and Bangladesh

Remember in prayer the people and communities of India and Bangladesh that were affected by Cyclone Amphan in May. Pray for the response of Lutheran World Service India Trust, supported by Lutheran Disaster Response, as it provides food to families in urban slums, tarps and temporary shelters, and assists families in obtaining aid for housing reconstruction. Pray for God’s presence, comfort, hope and healing throughout their recovery.

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8/16/2020 Prayer:  Pray for forgiveness and God’s mercy when our actions, words, intentions or thoughts dishonor God’s ways and commandments.

Pray for forgiveness and God’s mercy when our actions, words, intentions or thoughts dishonor God’s ways and commandments. Ask for the Spirit to help us shine as bright witnesses to God’s unbound, unbiased love for humanity and to serve our neighbor without prejudice or reluctance.

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8/14/2020 Prayer: Pray that during this pandemic we will be renewed in our commitment to the patience, sacrifice and awareness of the example we set

Pray that during this pandemic, which has stretched beyond our expectations and imagination, we will be renewed in our commitment to the patience, sacrifice and awareness of the example we set as we continue personal health measures for the sake of our health and the wellness of our neighbors, community and nation.

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8/25/2020 Online Gathering: Grief and Lament

Grand Canyon Synod active and retired rostered leaders are invited to a one hour time for learning and conversation around grief and lament in our lives and ministries. Please set aside time on Tuesday, Aug. 25 at 2 pm. Register in advance for this meeting.

As rostered leaders going through ministry at this time in our daily lives Pastor Brenda Smith will guide us and teach us spiritual practices that will keep in grounded in God’s loving embrace. Please have a bible and candle available.

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Last change to register for Beginning a Culture of Generosity

Register by August 15, 2020 for Beginning a Culture of Generosity and reap the benefits of this one-time only program established for your fall stewardship season in this unprecedented year of pandemic.

This program, from the consulting firm GSB Fundraising, is just $150 with a $500 scholarship from 3E and the Grand Canyon Synod to each congregation.

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8/13/2020 Prayer: Give thanks for nurses

Give thanks for nurses, who care for our physical, emotional and spiritual needs in diverse settings, including hospitals, community clinics, congregations, schools, home care, the military, facilities for older adults, health education programs and global mission. Pray for the Evangelical Lutheran Parish Nurse Association and its work supporting, equipping and encouraging parish nurses across the country.

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Diakonia info sessions available for upcoming fall classes

Diakonia classes start on September 7, 2020, and three information night sessions are scheduled for anyone to attend: Tues., 8/18/2020 7 pm (Zoom Link); Weds., 8/19/2020 6:30 pm (Zoom Link); Mon., 8/31/2020 6 pm (Zoom link).

The Grand Canyon Synod Diakonia program ( is a means to prepare lay leaders in changing times to support the mission of the church with wisdom and understanding in accordance with our Lutheran understanding of who God is and how God works.

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Save the Date: 9/20/2020 Creation focused video worship service

Lutherans Restoring Creation is preparing a creation focused video worship service utilizing the lectionary texts for Pentecost 16 that congregations can download and use, available by Monday, 9/14/2020.

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, The Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing, Rev. Lenny Duncan, Rebekah Bruesehoff, and others will participate, with music provided by Marty Haugen, the Rev. Dr. Leah Schade, and John Tirro.

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8/10/2020 Prayer: Pray for the ELCA Youth, Young Adult and Youth Gathering ministries and the ELCA Youth Ministry Network

Give thanks to God for leaders — paid and volunteer — who serve in youth, young adult and family ministries in our congregations and synods. Pray for the ELCA Youth, Young Adult and Youth Gathering ministries and the ELCA Youth Ministry Network, that their collective work of supporting, equipping and nurturing faith and of connecting leaders and young people will yield abundant fruit.

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Get ready for Resourceful Servants, financial help for rostered ministers

Many rostered ministers have said that financial stress can stand in the way of satisfaction and effectiveness in ministry. Resourceful Servants has developed programs and gathered resources which specifically address the financial needs of rostered ministers.

Program begins 8/18/2020. View this PDF and the Resourceful Servants website for more info.

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8/8/2020 Prayer: Pray that we will develop a deeper commitment to mutual care and value one another

Pray for the Spirit to stir within us humility, wisdom, empathy and a commitment to dismantle the barriers between people who live in wealth and people who live in poverty. Pray that all will have sufficient resources for daily life and self-sufficiency but also will develop a deeper commitment to mutual care and will value one another and our interdependence.

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