Posts in Resources
Some awkward questions about how to measure online church attendance

Carey Nieuwhof writes about the trick of online analytics: “So now that your church (along with almost every other church) is online, you’re probably asking: how exactly do I track ‘attendance’?

One of the remarkable stories of the global pandemic is that suddenly, 49% of churches are reporting that their online attendance is higher or much higher than their in-person attendance.”

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Daily Prayer in the Home

ELCA Worship shares a variety of ways to worship during this time of pandemic, as many are seeking resources to support daily prayer in the home. As we are physically separated from supportive Christian communities, it becomes increasingly important to mark our days and hours with prayer.

“I arise early in the morning and I cry out to you, I hope for your word. My eyes are open in the night watches, that I may meditate upon your promise.” (Psalm 119:147-148)

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Worksheet for congregational financial health

A worksheet to help congregations evaluate their financial situation during Covid-19 is available from Dr. Jerry Kingston, Special Bishop’s Associate for Mobility, and ASU Economics faculty member from 1969 to 2011.

The worksheet is based comparing available liquid assets for the period May 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020 to two sets of costs: (1) legally-required expenses; and (2) legally-required + pledged expenses to the synod and the churchwide organization. The worksheet is available as a PDF or Word doc.

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Reformation Lutheran Participates in Peer Ministry Review

In March, Reformation Lutheran Church of Las Vegas became the first congregation to participate in an intentional Peer Ministry Review. Ministry reviews have been done for other congregations, but usually at the request of Synod or Churchwide leadership.

A big thank you to Pr. Jason Adams for the invitation to conduct this insightful process and to the review team for their diligent work and recommendations.

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4/7/2020 Prayer: Pray for congregations responding to coronavirus

Pray for our congregations and full communion partners responding to the impact of the coronavirus and the evolving challenges of caring for spiritual and physical needs of members, nurturing community in new ways, serving neighbors in need, helping with financial stewardship, and proclaiming the hope and good news of Jesus Christ in times of anxiousness and uncertainty.

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Lutheran World Federation: Holy Week and Easter liturgies

Lutheran World Federation offers liturgies for Holy Week and Easter worship in a time of physical distancing, a simplified form of many worshiping traditions within the Lutheran communion and our ecumenical heritage.

In this time of pandemic, we as a communion are particularly called to keep our hearts united as we “watch and pray,” trusting that Christ always comes through locked doors.

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Mission Investment Fund and ELCA Federal Credit Union offer assistance

Eva M. Roby, President and CEO of the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA, shares a letter of commitment and reminder that MIF stands with the Grand Canyon Synod. Read her letter here. If congregations have special needs at this time, please reach out to Amelia Dawkins, MIF’s Vice President for Lending, at

The ELCA Federal Credit Union is also prepared to offer similar assistance to its members at this time. Credit Union member pastors and congregations that may be facing hardship should contact the Credit Union at or visit

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Distribute FFCRA's new Notice of Employee Rights

The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued the required Notice of Employee Rights under the FFCRA. Employers with fewer than 500 employees are required to distribute this notice to all current employees as of April 1, 2020. Employers may satisfy this requirement by emailing or direct mailing this notice to employees, or posting this notice on an employee information internal or external website. Download the notice here.

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