Posts in Resources
Political activity and tax status

It is important for each congregation and its leaders to understand what political activity is permissible to maintain the congregation’s tax exemption. Being a Public Church is a guidance for churches and clergy participating in the electoral process, an effort to expand the role of the church in encouraging faithful and non-partisan voter participation by providing faith-based resources around voting.

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All Creation Sings

Augsburg Fortress is excited to announce the forthcoming release of All Creation Sings, a supplement to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, in fall 2020.

This supplement stands alongside Evangelical Lutheran Worship and is part of the ongoing renewal of worship in the ELCA. Additional information about the resource and pre-orders is available on the Augsburg Fortress website. Look for more information in coming months.

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3/14/2020 Prayer: Wildfires in Australia

Lift up prayers of concern and support for people and communities affected by the widespread destruction caused by wildfires in Australia. Pray for the thousands of people displaced from their homes, for volunteer firefighters and relief workers, for the healing of nature and for the response efforts of the Lutheran Church of Australia, local congregations and Lutheran Disaster Response.

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ELCA Church Council votes to remove “Vision and Expectations”

The ELCA Church Council voted today to remove "Vision and Expectations" from use in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Disciplinary standards for rostered ministers are outlined in "Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline."

The council encourages people to read the document, which states: "As an expression of its life in the gospel of Jesus Christ, this church embraces disciplinary processes of counseling, admonition and correction, with the objective of forgiveness, reconciliation and healing. Simultaneously, out of deep concern for effective extension of the gospel, this church remains alert to the high calling of discipleship in Jesus Christ."

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