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His parish was the poor: The Rev. Tom Lumpkin spent 40 years ministering to Detroit’s homeless

“Living with people who have lots of problems helped me see my own dark side,” said the Rev. Tom Lumpkin, who spent 40 years serving Detroit’s homeless. Read the article from Religion News Service.

“My claim to fame is that I’m the only diocesan priest in the world who has as his diocesan assignment the Catholic Worker Movement,” said Lumpkin, who was assigned to a Catholic Worker house by his bishop.

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What We Lose When We Livestream Church

Collin Hansen, editor in chief of The Gospel Coalition and co-author of Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential, writes in this essay:

“Christians need to hear the babies crying in church. They need to see the reddened eyes of a friend across the aisle. They need to chat with the recovering drug addict who shows up early but still sits in the back row. They need to taste the bread and wine.” Read more at New York Times.

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Can we have two golds? It's possible.

Barshim: “Can we have two golds?”
Olympic official: “It’s possible.”

“Create possibilities” is one part of our synod’s strategic plan, so we couldn’t help but share this video of two amazing athletes seeking a “both/and” solution. Watch Qatar's Mutaz Essa Barshim and Italy's Gianmarco Tamberi applaud each other higher and higher before deciding to forgo a jump-off and share the gold. Watch in English or view the exuberant Mama Mia Italiano version.

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Taking on climate change at home: how you can cut carbon emissions

Feeling green? Read or listen to this story from NPR’s Life Kit. If you'd like to do something to slow down climate change, even if it's just a small thing, you can get started in your own apartment or house.

Homes and commercial buildings account for about a third of the country's greenhouse gas emissions, because it takes energy to heat and cool them and to power all the gadgets we've got plugged in.

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