Posts in Read · Watch · Listen
How long will vote counting take? Estimates and deadlines in all 50 states

Although many winners may quickly be evident on election night, the increase in mail voting because of the pandemic is expected to push back the release of full results in many key states.

The New York Times asked officials in every state and the District of Columbia about their reporting processes There is a fair amount of uncertainty surrounding results in any election, but say that many states will not have complete results on election night.

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Elderly and Homeless: America’s Next Housing Crisis

Over the next decade, the number of elderly homeless Americans is projected to triple — and that was before Covid-19 hit. In Phoenix, the crisis has already arrived.

In this New York Times Magazine feature article (also available to listen via Audm), we follow seniors through an Arizona summer. It’s good to see Phoenix’s Justa Center highlighted as well, the only daytime resource center in the state set up exclusively for older homeless adults. Read and listen here.

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You Can't Live There: A Long Struggle For Black Rights In Las Vegas

Nevada Public Radio brings us this broadcast looking at race and racism in Nevada. We’re listening to these as part of our open conversations about race. Next talk, Tuesday, 10/13/2020, 6:30–7:45pm. Please register here:

The death of George Floyd was followed by dozens of protests in the streets of Las Vegas. What is happening in Las Vegas, one of the most culturally diverse cities in America?

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The Time is Now: Joan Chittister's Call to Uncommon Courage

The Office of the Bishop staff just completed reading and discussing Joan Chittister’s book, The Time is Now. We were challenged in new ways, and highly recommend it.

Pairing scriptural insights with stirring narratives of the truth-tellers that came before us, Joan Chittister offers a compelling vision for readers to combat complacency and to propel ourselves toward creating a world of justice, freedom, peace, and empowerment.

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