Posts in Prayers
For What Shall We Pray? 3/28/2023
  • For the students and staff at Covenant School in Nashville, and for all who are grieving, traumatized, and fearful…

  • For open-heartedness, courage, and humility in conversations about gun violence and meaningful change in our society…

  • For families and friends of those who died in the immigration center fire in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico…

  • For earthquakes and severe weather in California…

  • For cleanup efforts following a chemical spill in the Delaware River…

  • For all those recovering from the devastating tornado in western Mississippi and Alabama…

  • For the people of Israel in the midst of political turmoil…

  • For peace in Ukraine and de-escalation of nuclear threats…

  • For Muslim siblings observing Ramadan, Jewish siblings preparing for Passover, and Christians who prepare to enter Holy Week…

  • For LBGTQIA+ siblings, especially children and youth, amidst restrictive legislative actions in state legislatures across the United States…

  • In lament over acts of discrimination, hatred, and oppression done in the name of Christ…

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For What Shall We Pray? 3/22/2023
  • For people involved in labor strikes – teachers in Los Angeles, workers across sectors in France, and hospital and airport workers in England…

  • For those working to stabilize political unrest in Kenya and South AFrica…

  • For the people of Russia and Ukraine, and for all peace and diplomacy efforts…

  • For Muslims across the world who are preparing for the holy season of Ramadan…

  • For rescue and relief efforts in Ecuador following this weekend’s earthquake…

  • For continued recovery efforts in Malawi following last week’s cyclone…

  • For educators, librarians, and all who steward knowledge and encourage learning…

  • For all who mourn, and for all who watch and wait at bedside of those nearing death…

  • For women across the world who continue to stand up, speak out, love, fight, and flourish despite opposition and violence…

  • For marginalized and vulnerable communities, and for their allies and advocates…

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For What Shall We Pray? 3/15/2023
  • For all who are anxious for their financial future after this week’s bank collapses and for keen and collaborative wisdom among those crafting policies in response…

  • For peace and protection for our transgender siblings, and especially transgender youth, as 41 state legislatures consider bills restricting and revoking their rights…

  • For a path forward and a renewed commitment to the common good amidst continued political partisan division in the United States and across the globe…

  • For people on the west coast of the United States, Australia, and Kenya who are living with extreme flooding; for those facing threat of sever storms on the east coast of the United States; and for victims of Cyclone Freddy in Malawi…

  • In thanksgiving for recently negotiated peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia…

  • For the people of El Salvador, living under a century of civil conflict…

  • For Muslim siblings preparing for Ramadan…
    For all caregivers who provide for, educate, and nurture children…

  • For all navigating news of pregnancy, expected or unexpected, and for their support systems…

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For What Shall We Pray? 3/7/2023
  • For peace and an end to violence in our world, especially between Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Palestine…

  • For refugees and all migrants, especially those facing threat of violence…

  • For recovery efforts following landslides in Indonesia…

  • For open access to education for women and girls across the globe…

  • For equitable outcomes from labor strikes in Paris, France, and for all workers seeking just working conditions and fair compensation…

  • For transgender siblings, especially transgender youth, in the midst of political battles, threats of violence, and diminished access to healthcare…

  • For those called to challenge religious, political, or institutional authority for the sake of justice…

  • For those suffering and dying from COVID-19 in our nation and in our world, and for loved ones fearing risk of contagion…

  • That the love of God so fill our deeds and words that our whole life is joyful noise…

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For What Shall We Pray? 3/1/2023
  • For survivors, victims, and loved ones of those involved in the train crash in Greece…

  • For victims of school gas poisonings in Iran…

  • For all affected by tornados, blizzards, and other significant weather events across the United States…

  • For safety and protection for all migrants…

  • In lament over the significant death toll and casualties on both sides of the Russia/Ukraine conflict…

  • For all those forced into war, conflict, and violence; and in fervent hope that all war should cease…

  • For all affected by the COVID-19 virus in the United States and around the world, and for continued mitigation and treatment efforts…

  • For those facing food insecurity, and for compassionate policies to address hunger…

  • In thanksgiving for the contributions of women to politics, the arts, science, education, advocacy, technology, medicine, administration, and the church; especially for women serving as bishops, pastors, chaplains, and deacons…

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For What Shall We Pray? 2/23/2023
  • For continued relief and recovery efforts in Turkey and Syria…

  • For continued clean-up efforts following the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment…

  • For all who are digging out and warming up following winter storms in the Midwest…

  • For the families and loved ones of the Orlando shooting victims…

  • For an end to gun violence across our nation and our world…

  • For the loved ones of those killed in a plane crash near Little Rock, Arkansas…

  • For those injured and killed during violent raids in the West Bank…

  • For peace in our world, especially at the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…

  • For recovery efforts after an open pit mine collapse in China’s northern Inner Mongolia region…

  • For all facing unemployment, job insecurity, or financial instability…

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For What Shall We Pray? A Weekly Prayer Resource

In the fall of 2021, the ELCA Worship Blog began a weekly series entitled, “Prompts for Prayers of Intercession.” Beginning this Lent, the blog series will be retitled, “For What Shall We Pray?”

This new title honors a more expansive understanding of the purpose of this resource. It is a weekly invitation for individuals, groups, and congregations to remain mindful of the needs of our world, and to lift one another up in prayer.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 2/19/2023

The ELCA Worship blog has complied a set of Prayer Resources in Time of Earthquakes. Intercession prompts:

  • For continued relief and recovery efforts in Turkey and Syria…

  • For families and communities experiencing grief, anger, and despair at the tens of thousands of deaths following the earthquake in Turkey and Syria…

  • For the victims of the shooting at Michigan State, for their loved ones, and for campus ministries that are supporting students…

  • For all hearts longing to see a day when tools of rage are not seen as more important than the lives they take…

  • For those who will revel in the unfettered joy of carnival celebrations this week in every corner of our world…

  • For contrite hearts and hopeful spirits as we end the season of Epiphany and prepare for Lent…

  • For stability and civility amidst leadership transitions in world governments…

  • In lament over all lives lost in the past year of war between Russia and Ukraine…

  • For resolve and power for those fighting for climate justice, especially in another year of Antarctic ice decline…

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