Posts in Prayers
Prayers for Paul Gryniewicz

We pray for Paul Gryniewicz, synod council vice-president, who is in the hospital for heart issues.

O Lord, your compassions never fail and your mercies are new every morning. We give you thanks for giving our brother Paul both relief from pain and hope of health renewed. Continue in him the good work you have begun; that he, daily increasing in bodily strength and rejoicing in your goodness, may so order his life and conduct that he may always think and do those things that please you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Prayers for Grand Canyon Synod seminarians

Please pray for seminarians from across the Grand Canyon Synod. We give you thanks, O God, for the people you call to the ministries of word, sacrament, and service. Amen.

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9/3/2020 Prayer:  Pray for strength, empathy, compassion and boldness in our faith and daily life

There is no better time than right now for us to hold on to what is good, treat one another with respect, extend hospitality to strangers and those different from ourselves, seek peace, and care for our neighbors, including our enemies. Pray for strength, empathy, compassion and boldness in our faith and daily life as we follow Jesus.

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9/2/2020 Prayer:  Pray that the Spirit will grant us wisdom, creativity and patience as we seek new ways of being church together

September often marks a time of beginning, with students starting school, congregations launching programs and creation transitioning into a new season. But due to the pandemic, this year is different, presenting challenges we have not faced before. Pray that the Spirit will grant us wisdom, creativity and patience as we seek new ways of being church together, attend to the needs of children and youth, care for one another and fight the spread of COVID-19.

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8/31/2020 Prayer:  Pray for synod leaders and committees as they carefully plan assemblies rescheduled for this fall or next year

Pray for synod leaders and committees as they carefully plan assemblies rescheduled for this fall or next year. Remember that our strength and unity in Christ transcend traditional places, methods or times of gathering — we are the church, the body of Christ, in every setting and circumstance.

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8/30/2020 Prayer:  Give thanks that we have been transformed and made new through God’s love for us and our baptism in Jesus Christ

Give thanks that we have been transformed and made new through God’s love for us and our baptism in Jesus Christ. Pray that the living word of Jesus will guide our baptismal journeys so that we extend hospitality to strangers, love and serve our neighbor, overcome evil with good, accompany people who are suffering and in pain, and disavow vengeance and hate.

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8/29/2020 Prayer:  Pray that our leaders and candidates will serve all people, especially those in the greatest need

In this presidential campaign year, pray that our leaders and candidates will serve all people, especially those in the greatest need; work to heal wounds and divisions in society; strive for justice and equality; and seek change for the well-being and prosperity of our communities. Pray that our faith, wisdom and concern for neighbors and global companions will guide our discernment and decisions in upcoming elections.

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8/26/2020 Prayer:  Remember in prayer our global companions and all nations fighting the COVID-19 pandemic

Remember in prayer our global companions and all nations fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting economic problems and social and emotional stress, and the lack of accessible health care and adequate medical resources. Pray that we will respond to our global neighbors in need with empathy, hope and generosity, freely sharing our resources, discoveries and technology.

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Prayers for Pastor Ron and Nancy Rude

Pastor Ron Rude and spouse, Nancy, were in a moving vehicle when a large, heavy object came off of a truck and went through the windshield. All of Pastor Ron’s fingers were dislocated and broken. Please surround Pastor Ron in prayer through his surgery and recovery.

Almighty and merciful God, you are the only source of health and healing; you alone can bring calmness and peace. Grant to us, your children, an awareness of your presence and a strong confidence in you. In our pain, our weariness, and our anxiety, surround us with your care, protect us by your loving might, and permit us once more to enjoy health and strength and peace; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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8/25/2020 Prayer:  Give thanks and praise to God for our diverse gifts, skills and life experiences

“In one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.” Give thanks and praise to God for the diverse gifts, skills and life experiences we have been given, which we share in the body of Christ to build each other up and do God’s work in the world.

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8/23/2020 Prayer:  Pray that the Spirit will inspire our boldness and clarity as we talk about our faith

How do you respond when someone asks you about your faith, your beliefs, the church or who Jesus is? Pray that the Spirit will inspire our boldness and clarity as we, respecting and welcoming people’s questions, talk about our faith, recognize and seek opportunities to bear witness to God’s presence and work in the world, and reveal the Jesus we know and follow through our actions and prayerful conversations.

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8/22/2020 Prayer:  Give thanks for how God sustains us and nurtures our hope through interactions with friends, family, siblings in Christ, strangers and communities of faith

Give thanks for how God sustains us and nurtures our hope through interactions with friends, family, siblings in Christ, strangers and communities of faith ― in person and by phone, text, email, online meetings, posted notes and cards, and acts of kindness.

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8/21/2020 Prayer:  Pray that, amid unrest, conflict and division, we will work for the unity that God desires for us

Who can argue with the psalmist who proclaims that it is good and pleasant when we live together in unity? Pray that, amid unrest, conflict and division, we will work for the unity that God desires for us, a unity rooted in love, respect, justice, diversity, reconciliation, mutual understanding and advocacy for neighbors in need.

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