Posts in News
Updated narrative mission plan is available

The Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship team has released their updated annual narrative mission plan. This is part of our Proposed Mission Plan for 2024-2025. That full report is available for review in our assembly pages.

We hope you will join us for our final presentation of the Mission Plan prior to Synod Assembly, on Saturday, 5/20/2023, 9am MST/PDT, 10am MDT. Click here to register.

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Last day for 2023 synod assembly registration is Monday, 5/22/2023

Under the theme Be Bold in Your Baptism, we gather at Resurrection Lutheran Churchin Oro Valley, Friday and Saturday, June 9 – 10, 2023, for our annual synod assembly.

Registration is now open. Voting members register for $175 through 5/22/2023. Visitors can register for $100, with ministry partner tables available for $100 as well.

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Best Skills, Best Churches Program open to Grand Canyon Synod leaders

UPDATE: We have 20 spots remaining for pastors, deacons, and lay leaders, especially congregational council members.

Best Skills, Best Churches, offered online, is a graduate/executive level certificate program designed to advance rostered ministers' and lay leaders’ knowledge and skills for effective management of congregations and ministries. Enroll here for Best Skills, Best Churches, which begins July 11, 2023. The cost is only $150 per participant, a $775 value made possible by the 3E Lilly Grant. View a PDF flyer here.

Questions? Contact Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Director for Evangelical Mission and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality.

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Apply by June 15, 2023, for PLTS Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith

Develop moral, spiritual, and practical power to be an effective advocate for climate justice! The Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith is the flagship program of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary’s Center for Climate Justice and Faith. Applications for the 2023-24 Cohort are due June 15, 2023. Learn more here: Learn more and get a link to the application on their website, or view this PDF flyer.

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Grand Canyon Synod earns Platinum Seal of Transparency

 The Grand Canyon has been awarded the Platinum Seal by Candid, the highest level of recognition an organization can achieve. This accomplishment reflects our commitment to transparency, accountability, and integrity.

We thank Rev. Dan Potaznick, Director of Generosity and Strategic Development, who helped our synod to meet a comprehensive list of requirements to earn this recognition.

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Don't let synod assembly emails get lost: add us to your contact list

As we prepare for our upcoming Synod Assembly, it's crucial that you receive all the necessary updates and communications from our team. To make sure our emails don't end up in your spam or junk mail folders, please take a moment to add to your contact list.

By adding this email address to your contacts, you'll be better equipped to stay informed about the latest news, schedules, and vital information for the Synod Assembly.

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Robert Harris, author of The Jesus Perspective, joins Spirited Book Club discussion

"I am beyond thrilled to report that author Robert Harris has agreed to join our discussion in May when we discuss his latest book, The Jesus Perspective,” says facilitator Sheri Brown.

Join Spirited Book Club's discussion of its May selection, The Jesus Perspective: A Faith that May Surprise You by Robert Harris. The book is discussed over two 60-minute meetings on Thursday, May 11 and May 25, 2023 at 2pm MST/PDT, 3pm MDT. Click for reviews, bio and registration.

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