Posts in Letters
Bishop's Letter: Come With Me

One of my favorite Lenten memories is as a little girl growing up in St. Paul, Minnesota. My congregation, Arlington Hills, hosted a weekly 6:30 a.m. breakfast and bible study to nourish body and soul. On Friday mornings, I would walk to my friends homes to pick them up.   

Looking back on these memories has caused me to ponder the different ways that we invite others to come to Christ’s community.

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Bishop's Letter: Church and conflict

Back in 1994, before I attended seminary, I was working at a church in the Midwest as the parish life coordinator. In many ways, it was a dream job. I felt called to do this work.

Toward the end of my first year in the position, conflict began to brew. Some church leaders did not agree with how the pastor and staff (of which I was a part) were going about the work of the church and outreach efforts. It was ugly. It felt personal.

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Bishop's Letter: Living Your Vocation

What is a vocation? I used to think that a vocation was some big thing. A one true grand calling in life with which we are somehow anointed.  But as I reflect on this quote from Martin Luther during this season of Epiphany, I am reminded that this is not the case. 

Any work done in faith can be a vocation. We are all made holy through baptism in Christ to do holy work. 

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Bishop's Letter: What does Christmas really mean?

I was having coffee with a hiking friend the other morning and we were talking about Christmas. My friend recently joined an ELCA congregation after many years of questioning her faith in the Gospel.

She shared her joy at re-discovering Christ's birth this Christmas. In the midst of shopping, parties, and festivities, she has valued the quiet times and pausing to gaze upon the Christ-child in the manger.  

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Bishop's Letter: 4 Weeks of Hope

The days are surely coming. This week we begin a season of waiting and anticipation. 4 weeks to prepare ourselves and get ready. Waiting for promises to be realized. 4 weeks of hope. 

We live in a world where justice and righteousness are not always present. But hope grows in the soil of possibilities with God, not the dirt of life’s present circumstances. Hope is the deep conviction that God is working powerfully in our lives and in the world. It is not based on what we can do or see. Hope is anchored in the faithfulness of God. 

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Bishop's Letter: Honoring Veterans

One hundred years ago this Sunday, November 11, the most terrible war the world had ever known came to an end.

Sadly, Armistice Day did not mark the end of all wars. Human affairs among nations fail and natural disasters strike. Violence, cruelty, and injustice overwhelm us. And God raises up people who are willing to put their lives in harm’s way on behalf of their country.

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In five months, the voting members from the 89 congregations of the Grand Canyon Synod will gather for the thirty-first annual assembly. We will meet June 14-16 at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Oro Valley, Arizona.

A key assembly decision will be the calling of the sixth bishop of this synod. Work is under way on the "synod profile" that will help inform voting members and others as we prepare for the assembly.

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