Posts in ELCA
Bishop Eaton's letter to the Grand Canyon Synod Assembly

For our 2023 synod assembly, Bishop Elizabeth Eaton invites us to join the church on a future-focused journey to widen our welcome and break down the barriers that keep people from engaging with the church. Together, we can help people experience the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation. View in this post, or read as a PDF in English or Spanish.

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A Story of God’s Resurrection Hope: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, New Orleans

In New Orleans, there is a Lutheran congregation shining this resurrection hope of Jesus in their community. Founded in 1888, Bethlehem is a remarkable church with a rich history of service that goes deep into the community. Bethlehem is a beacon of light on a hill in a weary world.

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Creation Care Ambassadors and All of Us Together

Creation Care Ambassadors (Ambassadors), trained through a certification program of Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC) with ELCA collaborator Blessed Tomorrow, empower themselves to make a difference with tools, resources and networking to act and advocate for climate solutions. Reach out to an Ambassador to help support local congregational and synod creation care activities using the 🗺️ LRC locator map, and consider taking the free training.

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Provide your congregation's annual report by May 31, 2023

Each year the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) asks congregations to provide information about their people and activities. The process to do so closes on May 31, 2023.

Find all the resources you need at the ELCA’s Annual Congregation Report page, including FAQs, online Form A & C Parochial Reports as well as ways to update your ELCA Congregational Leadership Directory.

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For What Shall We Pray? 5/23/2023
  • In thanksgiving for all those who have given their lives in service to our country…

  • For all who are currently serving in the armed forces and for veterans seeking care for mental and physical injuries received during active duty…

  • For missing and murdered indigenous women and girls…

  • For nuclear disarmament, and that world leaders would listen to the voices of those who survived the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki…

  • For the voices of climate scientists (such as the World Meteorological Organization) to be heard and respected…

  • For the families and friends of those who died in soccer stadium stampede in San Salvador…

  • For peace in Ukraine, Sudan, Palestine, and Israel…

  • For congressional leaders to reach agreement on the debt ceiling…

  • For an expansion of mental health care and improved access…

  • For healing and hope for those who are suffering from mental illness, especially those with treatment resistant conditions…

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Faith Lens: Crossing Boundaries

Taylor Swift and The National have both been very influential musical artists.  But they have typically appealed to very different audiences.  Swift is the epitome of a pop star, mining her personal struggles for inspiration and pairing them with catchy tunes which have stadiums of adoring fans singing along.

In contrast, The National has been the poster child for an indie-rock band, more at home in a grungy after hours club than an arena.  If Swift’s lyrics often sound like a teen’s diary, The National’s are brooding and obscure to the the point of incomprehensible.

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Embracing a New Role in Ministry: Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta's Letter to the Synod

In the words of Ecclesiastes 3, “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven….”. It is with mixed feelings that I write this note to notify our synod that I am ending my season as the Director for Evangelical Mission of the Grand Canyon Synod.

Starting on June 22, 2023, I will begin a new season in ministry as the Senior Director for New Ministry Development and Evangelism at the Churchwide Office of the ELCA. I will be responsible for setting the vision and leading the team that works on all new ministries and evangelism efforts in the ELCA.

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Lutheran, Presbyterian schools moving to Chicago campus of Catholic Theological Union

The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and McCormick Theological Seminary are moving into available space on the campus of Catholic Theological Union, creating a theological megacampus on the South Side of Chicago.

Each of the three schools will remain independent with its own identity, mission and governance. Read more at Religion News Service.

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ELCA's new venture: Young Adult Vocational Fellowship

The ELCA Young Adult Vocational Fellowship is an exciting program that offers young adults an amazing opportunity to discover their calling while gaining valuable professional experience.

In partnership with new and existing year-long opportunities at ELCA affiliated ministries, participants are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to explore their faith and vocational aspirations, all while receiving support from a network of peers and experienced ELCA coaches.

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For What Shall We Pray? 5/9/2023
  • In thanksgiving for all those who have given their lives in service to our country…

  • For all who are currently serving in the armed forces and for veterans seeking care for mental and physical injuries received during active duty…

  • For missing and murdered indigenous women and girls…

  • For nuclear disarmament, and that world leaders would listen to the voices of those who survived the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki…

  • For the voices of climate scientists (such as the World Meteorological Organization) to be heard and respected…

  • For the families and friends of those who died in soccer stadium stampede in San Salvador…
    For peace in Ukraine, Sudan, Palestine, and Israel…

  • For congressional leaders to reach agreement on the debt ceiling…

  • For an expansion of mental health care and improved access…

  • For healing and hope for those who are suffering from mental illness, especially those with treatment resistant conditions…

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