Posts in ELCA
ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response share the Fall, 2022 issue of LifeLines

ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response have always been intricately connected, but in recent months global events have reminded us again just how vital the work of God through these shared ministries is for communities around the world. View the latest Fall 2022 edition of Lifelines online or order here.

The depth of the humanitarian and refugee crisis in Ukraine and across Europe will require a yearslong response. Incredible generosity to Lutheran Disaster Response in the wake of the Eastern European crisis and to ELCA World Hunger over the last 18 months has enabled us to temporarily expand our work in impacted regions.

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ALAMEH Statement on Iran

ALAMEH (Association of Lutherans of Arab and Middle Eastern Heritage) released a issued a statement on current events in Iran. Read it here or in full in this post.

“Zan. Zendegi. Azadi. Woman. Life. Freedom. These are the words Iranian citizens have been shouting from the streets throughout Iran for the last several weeks. Iranians took to the streets to protest the murder of a Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini.”

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Living Lutheran: Life-changing generosity

In the predawn hours of May 30, 2022, in Valley Springs, S.D., tornado sirens pierced the air, rain poured and windows clattered as they blew off hinges.

Beaver Valley Lutheran, a steadily growing congregation of around 420 active members, was directly in the path of the tornado. The church, more than a century old, suffered significant damage. Its offices, kitchen, fellowship hall and education wing were mangled into unrecognizable piles of debris, said Greg Johnson, pastor of Beaver Valley.

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Upcoming Stewardship Events in 2023
  • Executive certificate in religious fundraising from the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving, Wednesdays from Jan. 4 through March 8 (except for Ash Wednesday), with a smaller cohort meeting an additional day each week. The course is offered at a steep discount for parish deacons and ministers, at only $550. Contact Rev. Larry Strenge or Rev. Timothy Brown with questions. Learn more here.

  • “Learning Donor Motivations” stewardship webinar, Monday, Jan. 30, 2023, 6 p.m. Central time.

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Courageous Leadership: How gratitude rewires your brain

Join ELCA Coaching on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 when we will hear from Christina Costa, MSc, a Psychology PhD candidate at University of Michigan. Log in info is on the ELCA Coaching website.

When a psychologist who studies well-being ends up with a brain tumor, what happens when she puts her own research into practice? Christina goes beyond the "fight" narrative of cancer -- or any formidable personal journey -- to highlight the brain benefits of an empowering alternative (hint: gratitude) to fostering resilience in the face of unexpected challenges.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 11/20/2022
  • For worship leaders and musicians preparing for Advent and Christmas…

  • For those traveling this Thanksgiving holiday, those who will spending the holiday alone or with one less place setting this year, and those for whom holiday gatherings bring grief or anxiety…

  • For those who grow, distribute, sell, and prepare our food, and the land from which it grows…

  • For those struggling and working to rebuild in the wake of flooding and natural disasters…

  • For those grieving in the aftermath of the University of Virginia shooting and for an end to gun violence…

  • For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

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16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Churches around the world are coming together to participate in the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Starting on Nov 25th, 2022, we will be acting, lifting voices, and promoting a more justice world for women and girls.

Please find attached the form to sign up here for your activity during this campaign, and learn more in this post.

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Faith Lens: Personal faith is political

According to Wikipedia, politics, from the Greek politika (“affairs of the city”), is the set of activities associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. It’s jarring to see such a definition because politics is currently far from what it was intended to be.

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Kimberly Knowle-Zeller: I am good

I invited the youth to write down all the things they could think of that were good. I told them to keep writing, not to lift up their pens, and to list as many things—big and small—that felt good to them. Once we finished sharing, I asked one question: Did anyone include themselves on the list? I met their eyes and saw surprise and many heads shaking. Not one had added their name to their list of good things.

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Dorothy C. Bass: On the playground, grace steps in

When I met Mark, his first marriage had failed, as had mine, but his love and commitment toward his young daughter, Kristen, were unshakable. When we married, she became a full-fledged member of our new family, and I became a stepmother.

The time and increasing closeness Kristen and I shared brought me immense joy. Even so, I often felt insecure as she came and went on a schedule beyond my control, always returning to the care of a woman whose claim and closeness far outweighed my own.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 11/13/2022

ELCA worship invites you to give feedback on prayers of intercession by 11/23/2022.

Intercession prompts:

  • For newly elected and re-elected public officials and a willingness to reach across party lines for the well-being of all people, especially the most vulnerable…

  • For deepening political divisions within our communities, nation, and families…

  • For those who are unemployed or underemployed…

  • For residents of Florida and the Bahamas, as Tropical Storm Nicole makes landfall and intensifies…

  • For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

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Faith Lens: Apocalypse Now?

The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all have sections where Jesus makes dramatic predictions about things that will happen in the future. Because these things seem to be hidden from general knowledge and are being revealed as special information to Jesus’ followers, they are called “apocalyptic” sayings. These terms “apocalypse” and “apocalyptic” are Greek words meaning “uncovering” or “revealing.”

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Comment on the ELCA Earth’s Climate Crisis social message by 12/2/2022

In line with standard ELCA protocol, the project to create a new social message on Climate Care is being shepherded by the ELCA Director for Theological Ethics, working with a lead writer in collaboration with a group of reviewers.

The draft social message is now available for public feedback! Read the social message draft here and then use this survey to share your input by Friday, December 2, 2022.

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