Posts in ELCA
Lutherans Restoring Creation explore Doctrine of Discovery's Roots in Climate Injustice

Register now for this Upcoming Connections Calls: Doctrine of Discovery's Roots in Climate Injustice, Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, 5pm MST/PDT, 6pm MDT.

They will watch Are We There Yet? together. We are fortunate to screen the 30-minute film and hear directly from its creators. Don't miss this - it will not be recorded. See trailer and register here.

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Becca Ehrlich: Christian Minimalism

Join ELCA Coaching every Wednesday at 11am MST/PDT, noon MDT, as we practice Courageous Leadership. Log in info is on the ELCA Coaching website.

Join us next week on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 as we hear from Rev. Becca Ehrlich. Minimalism is a focus on the aspects of life that matter most and intentionally removing everything else. There is a direct connection between minimalism and the Christian life.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: October 23, 2022
  • For those who are unemployed, underemployed, or experiencing financial hardship…

  • For those experiencing famine in Somalia and all who experience hunger and malnutrition…

  • For the people of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras impacted by Tropical Storm Julia…

  • For nations in leadership or regime transition, and for upcoming elections…

  • For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

  • For musicians, cantors, choirs, and instrumental ensembles who lead our assembly in worship…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: October 16, 2022
  • For the victims and families of the mass shooting at a daycare center in Thailand…

  • For peace amid the escalating conflict between Palestine and Israel…

  • For the victims and rescue workers in the aftermath of a landslide in Venezuela…

  • For the safety of protestors speaking out amid episodes of violence in Pakistan…

  • For congregations engaged in annual stewardship appeals…

  • For an end to the continued violence and war in Ukraine, especially amid nuclear threats…

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ELCA Conference of Bishops addresses leadership during fall meeting

The Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) met Sept. 29–Oct. 1 at the Eaglewood Resort in Itasca, Ill. The conference, an advisory body of the ELCA, comprises 65 synod bishops, the presiding bishop and the secretary.

"We come together as the Conference of Bishops to give and receive encouragement as we serve in our respective synods," said the Rev. Tracie Bartholomew, bishop of the ELCA New Jersey Synod and conference chair. "We are at our best when we work collegially and celebrate all that God is doing throughout this church."

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Living Lutheran: "We need each other"

In 2018, three small congregations within a 10-mile radius of downtown Oklahoma City—Ascension, St. Mark and Redeemer—were struggling financially to maintain their buildings and meet associated expenses. They started with combined services on fifth Sundays and talked about a weekly joint meeting. Discussions about a formal merger had just started when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

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