Navigating Congregational Futures: Introducing New Discernment Guidelines

Navigating the future of congregations amidst uncertainties is a substantial task. The Grand Canyon Synod presents “Guidelines For Congregations Discerning Their Future,” a resource blending spiritual support with practical advice for congregations facing crucial decisions about their futures. Discover more about sustaining missions and seeding future ministries at Guidelines For Congregations Discerning Their Future.

The Office of the Bishop acknowledges the rapidly changing landscapes and futures of our congregations. In response to this, we have created a resource, "Guidelines For Congregations Discerning Their Future" to assist congregations facing decisions regarding their futures, be it revitalization, relocation, or closure.

Purpose & Essence of the GuidelineS

This guideline is a beacon for congregations navigating uncertain futures, offering wisdom on various aspects of congregational life, including property sales and closures. It is crafted to provide spiritual accompaniment and logistical advice, helping congregations to envision how their missions and ministries can evolve and continue to serve community and Synod purposes, and seed future Lutheran missions and ministries in our Synod and beyond.

Spiritual Accompaniment & Logistical Support

Whether a congregation is considering selling property due to closure or as a step towards a new phase of ministry, this resource stands as a complementary guide to the ELCA’s “Leaving a Legacy of Ministry and Mission” and the Grand Canyon Synod’s guidelines for property sale, addressing the unique spiritual needs and logistical processes entailed in such transitions.

Engage with the GuidelineS

To delve deeper into these guidelines and reflect on the congregation's future and purpose in the light of the Holy Spirit, please explore Guidelines For Congregations Discerning Their Future.