Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 4/6/2023

LWF Executive Committee member, Rev. Dr Yonas Yigezu Dibisa reflects on the transformative hope of the Cross. Photo by Dylan McLeod – Unsplash

Good Friday Message

Good Friday message: Called to live for others

Exclusive LWF Easter Message in this Newsletter

Easter message: Upending the status quo


LWF calls for communicators for Krakow assembly

Get Involved

Seven weeks for peace

LWF Lent campaign 2023

Climate Justice Projects

Call for applications: 30 April 2023

Coopted staff for the communication team for the LWF Thirteenth Assembly

Call for applications: 10 May 2023

COP: Call for Nominations

Call for nominations: 21 May 2023

COP28 Dates: 30 November until 12 December 2023

Ongoing Campaigns and Open Calls

Donate to support
the people of Ukraine


2023 Pre-Assembly: Latin America, the Caribbean and North America

17–21 April 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Africa

8–13 May 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Asia

14–19 June 2023

LWF Thirteenth Assembly

13–19 September 2023


Good Friday Message 2023

Thirteenth Assembly Study Guide

Photos from the Europe Pre-Assembly

Photos - LWF work with communities in Chad

Together: LWF responds to the war in Ukraine

In Communion – The Lutheran World Federation 1947-2022

LWF Photo Library