Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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June 2019 Daily Prayer Ventures

These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world. Thank you for your continued prayers for the life and mission of this church. Download a Word doc, or PDF for letter size printout or legal size printout, or view the ELCA resource page.

Prayer Ventures for June 2019

  1. Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the assemblies of the Northeastern Pennsylvania, Montana, Southwestern Texas and Indiana-Kentucky synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in proclaiming the gospel, growing the church and doing God’s work in the world.

  2. Pray that our unity in Christ — across denominations and throughout the world — will strengthen us and draw others into the community of all believers who know and share God’s boundless love.

  3. Pray for the leaders and volunteers of summer congregational programs, that they will stir and strengthen the faith of children and youth and introduce others to the good news of Jesus Christ through day camps, vacation Bible schools and other special ministries.

  4. Summer is the busy season for ELCA Mission Builders, retired men and women who share their time, construction skills and spiritual gifts to build and expand the ministry capacity and physical resources of congregations and camps across the country. Give thanks for their volunteer service and pray that their witness will inspire others for lives of service and furthering the mission of the church.

  5. Remember in prayer the service and witness of the six volunteers serving in the Young Adults in Global Mission program alongside our companions in Madagascar; the Rev. Kirsten Laderach, YAGM country coordinator; and the Rev. Lancelot Themba and Kwena Mkhabela, regional representatives for Madagascar, West Africa and Central Africa.

  6. Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the assemblies of the Western North Dakota, Central States, Metropolitan Chicago, New Jersey and Central/Southern Illinois synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in proclaiming the gospel, growing the church and doing God’s work in the world.

  7. Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the assemblies of the Lower Susquehanna, Florida-Bahamas, Southwestern Washington and Northwestern Minnesota synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in proclaiming the gospel, growing the church and doing God’s work in the world.

  8. Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the assemblies of the Virginia, Southwestern Minnesota and Southern Ohio synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in proclaiming the gospel, growing the church and doing God’s work in the world.

  9. Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the Eastern North Dakota Synod Assembly, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in proclaiming the gospel, growing the church and doing God’s work in the world.

  10. 10 Ask God to help youth and young adults seeking summer employment, that they will find open doors and opportunities for using their skills and gifts. Pray that we will find ways to share our wisdom, help them network for jobs and demonstrate our support for them through words of encouragement.  

  11. Give thanks for the persistent work of ELCA Advocacy and for the ministries, programs and resources that enable us to use our gifts, skills and concerns for the well-being of our communities, nation and world.

  12. Pray for safe travel for all those who seek renewal, learning and greater awareness of the world through vacations, service experiences and trips. Wherever we go, may our faith shine brightly through our respect and care for the people we encounter, through our care for creation and nature, and through the joy and hope we convey in our words and actions.

  13. Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the assemblies of the Northwestern Pennsylvania and Southwestern Pennsylvania synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in proclaiming the gospel, growing the church and doing God’s work in the world.

  14. Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the assemblies of the Grand Canyon, Northern Illinois, Northeastern Iowa and La Crosse Area synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in proclaiming the gospel, growing the church and doing God’s work in the world.

  15. Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the assemblies of the Northeastern Ohio, Allegheny, Upper Susquehanna and Metropolitan Washington, D.C. synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in proclaiming the gospel, growing the church and doing God’s work in the world.

  16. Pray that we will always listen for what the Spirit is revealing to us and pay attention to how the Spirit is guiding and urging us throughout our baptismal journey.

  17. Remember in prayer the many agricultural workers who travel across our nation to do the difficult and often unnoticed work of planting, tending and gathering crops so that the world may be fed. Pray that they receive fair wages and medical care, have safe housing, find support and encouragement in communities of faith, and be affirmed for their important work and service. 

  18. Remember in prayer those congregation members who spend seasons of the year in different areas of the country. Pray that every congregation will practice hospitality and care in sending, welcoming and involving people in worship and the life of the congregation, even if it’s only temporary.

  19. Today, Juneteenth, is the oldest known celebration commemorating the abolition of slavery in the United States. Pray for the end of racism, racial inequalities and hatred in our nation, for an end to all forms of slavery and human trafficking in the world, and, living in God’s grace and forgiveness, that we will confess and confront our own prejudices and fears, serving as catalysts for change, reconciliation and healing. 

  20. Pray that, amid world events that provoke anxiety, uncertainty and a sense of powerlessness, we will assure one another of our peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ, our sure and dependable hope, strength and comfort.

  21. Pray for communities that are recovering from recent natural disasters and severe weather across our nation and around the world, and for those who are still involved in the long-term work of rebuilding their lives, homes, businesses and communities. Ask for the guidance and help of the Spirit as we seek ways to be effective bearers of hope, support and encouragement for as long as needed.

  22. Give praise and glory to God, who formed the vast universe and earth yet tenderly cares for humanity and our peculiarities.

  23. There is no affliction or problem in life — spiritual or physical — that is beyond God’s power, mercy or ability to heal. Praise God!

  24. Remember our outdoor ministries and camps during this very busy time of the year and pray for God to sustain and energize staff members and volunteers so they can greet every new camper with a freshness of spirit and faith that is infectious and inspiring.

  25. Remember in prayer victims and survivors of gun violence across our nation. Ask God to nurture in us the strength, wisdom and compassion we need to provide steady care and support for those who ache for healing and relief from their pain, grief, suffering, anger and fear.

  26. As people of God gathered in communities of faith, give thanks for how God comes to our aid, sustains and comforts us, is present and patient with us, cares for the poor and suffering, guides us in ways of justice and peace, and invites and equips us to share in this hope-filled, life-giving work in the world.

  27. The ELCA “Three Sides” podcast shares unique stories, perspectives and diverse voices of our members, congregations and global companions. Give thanks for its ministry of expanding our awareness and our understanding of how God calls and uses us in every expression of the church.

  28. Pray that ELCA congregations, synods, colleges and universities, seminaries, outdoor ministries and other related organizations involved in special appeals and fundraising be successful in their efforts to start, grow or sustain ministries and programs for the sake of accomplishing God’s work in the world.

  29. Pray for teachers, professors and school staff who have time off during the summer, that they will be renewed, strengthened and prepared for serving their students, parents and communities when the new school year begins. 

  30. Pray that we will grow in understanding the freedom we have in Christ, which moves us beyond our self-interest to attend to our neighbor. Pray that our lives be guided by the Spirit to exemplify love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.