Asylum seekers facing humanitarian crisis needs your help

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW) began working to address the humanitarian needs of those who are coming to the AZ border seeking asylum in January. A humanitarian crisis is unfolding as more than 100,000 migrants have come through the southwest since this past October, with well over 10,000 of them through Arizona. ICE and Border Patrol hold families for up to 3 weeks and then release them. 

Connie Phillips, CEO and President of LSS-SW writes:

"They release them to churches, volunteer groups, and at 'transportation hubs.' In Phoenix that transportation hub is the water retention ditch next to the Greyhound bus station at 24th Street and Buckeye. It is a barren, gravel pit with no water, no restrooms, and little shade. With temperatures over 100 now in our city, this is completely unacceptable, and we believe we are not being overdramatic to state that it puts individuals, many of whom are children and infants, at risk for illness and even death. Migrants are in poor health when they are released due to the strenuous journey and weeks being held in a caged concrete room."

LSS-SW is desperate for more churches that will host groups of 30-100 migrants on a regularly scheduled basis or to support churches that are doing this work through volunteers, in-kind, or financial support. They have an agreement with the Disciples of Christ church to use a space in Glendale for hosting, so congregations do not have to provide a physical location. The location can be used Sunday through Thursday, and it is sitting empty many days due to a lack of groups to host. Additionally, many of the small evangelical churches that have been hosting cannot afford their air conditioning bills this summer, so they are dropping out. Financial assistance could sustain these weary warriors of Christ.

View this flier which provides the contact information for those that wish to learn how they could help.