Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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A table prayer for Advent

In the days of Advent, Christians prepare to celebrate the presence of God’s Word among us in our own day. During these four weeks, we pray that the reign of God, which Jesus preached and lived, would come among us. We pray that God’s justice would flourish in our land, that the people of the earth would live in peace, that the weak and the sick and the hungry would be strengthened, healed and fed with God’s merciful presence.

During the last days of Advent, Christians welcome Christ with names inspired by the prophets: wisdom, liberator of slaves, mighty power, radiant dawn and sun of justice, the keystone of the arch of humanity, and Emmanuel-God with us. 

Table Prayer for Advent

(For use when a meal follows.)

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, the one who is, who was and who is to come.
At this table you fill us with good things.
May these gifts strengthen us to share with the hungry and all those in need,
as we wait and watch for your coming among us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Bread for the Day, page 372)