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The “S” Course: Satan, Sin, EScatology, ReSurrection, and Salvation 

Diakonia’s annual summer retreat is in Zoom, featuring The “S” Course: Satan, Sin, EScatology, ReSurrection, and Salvation.

join facilitator Pastor Stewart McDonald on Saturdays 7/10 and 7/17/2021, 8:45am – noon, MST/PDT. Retreat fee: $20.00. Register at

What people believe today is not necessarily what people believed in biblical times. Indeed people’s beliefs about a satan, sin, eschatology, resurrection and salvation have evolved over time.

This course is a brief introduction of this evolution from the earliest parts of the Hebrew Scriptures, to the later Hebrew Scriptures after the Babylonian exile, to what Jesus said, to what rest of the New Testament says, to what we believe today.

Then we will look at what might be an appropriate “S” Theology moving forward in the 21st century. The “S” Course might surprise you and even make you rethink what you yourself believe about the five S’s. 
