Confused about how to count worship attendance?

As we work on our 2021 Congregational Report forms, and continue to engage people online, we present two resources on counting online worship attendance.

In this post, we share thoughts from Rev. Kent Mueller, Assistant to the Bishop for Administration and Communication at the Rocky Mountain Synod.

We also share Pacifica Synod’s “Tracking Online Worship Attendance,” which is ELCA Churchwide is offering as the guidance on calculating online attendance for Form A.

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2022 Annual Report to the Bishop

The annual Report to the Bishop is an opportunity for active and retired rostered ministers to connect directly with Bishop Hutterer, who looks forward to your responses and feedback.

Completion of this required report is one of the commitments rostered ministers are invited to make upon entering the synod. The report is due back to Bishop Hutterer by February 28, 2022. Access the form online or offline here.

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Faith Communities Support Equitable COVID-19 Testing Distribution

On January 19th, 2022, home COVID-19 tests became available through the federal government. We need to ensure that stakeholders, especially the most vulnerable, have access to the testing resources they need in order ensure equitable testing distribution. In this post, find resources on how to help people get free tests and spread the word.

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Bishop Eaton: A prayer for Christian Unity

During this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Bishop Eaton says “more than ever we need to have some kind of witness of the unity and the love that come from Christ…during this week it gives us the possibility to be a witness to the unity, to the beloved community, to the peace and wholeness that everyone knows in God.”

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Start the benefits year off right with this checklist from Portico

Review this checklist from Portico for important January tasks to keep your 2022 Portico benefits program running smoothly. It includes reminders on payroll updates and links to the complimentary Hammar tax guides for clergy. Employers may sign in to EmployerLink to view the checklist, and individuals can access the Hammar tax guide for clergy at MyPortico.

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Your Story, Your Legacy: A Desert Sojourn Retreat at Spirit in the Desert

This full-day retreat will engage you in a thoughtful and inspiring look at the stories of how you came to be the person you are and the qualities of your life that can be a true legacy to future generations. Hosted at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, click any of three dates for more info and to register:

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: January 23, 2022
  • For residents of Tongo, following devastating volcanic eruption, and for all areas feeling effects of the event…

  • For members of the Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, following last week’s hostage crisis…

  • For Asian American communities grieving acts of racial violence…

  • For unity in the body of Christ in seeking health, hope, and wholeness in our world…

  • For health and stamina for nurses, doctors, emergency room, and hospital staff…

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Interim Ministry Training Using a Group Coaching Model

This Interim Ministry Training is based in the real-time real life work of an Intentional Interim Pastor. it uses a "coach approach," which believes the participants are "creative, resourceful, and whole," and is directed by a trained coach.

The cost for the six-month program is $585. To learn more and to register, please go to the Purposeful Pastor website. Beginning Friday January 28, 2022 through 7/8/2022, 2nd and 4th Fridays each month, 9:00am - 10:00am MST.

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Covid-19 exposure risk: 1/20/2022

The number of cases per capita is approaching 400% compared to last winter’s peak. All counties are at extremely high levels of risk for unvaccinated people.

With many people testing themselves on at-home tests, and other infections going undetected, reported cases are an undercount of actual infections, but indicate how the virus is spreading. Case trends help officials, businesses and residents assess risk and make decisions.

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40 Days of Giving Lent Resources

ELCA Hunger invites you to continue your work by connecting your congregation to the church’s global work to end hunger and poverty during ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving, which begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2.

To prepare, visit and download or order resources today. You’ll find free resources including a daily devotional calendar, a weekly study guide, an action guide for congregations, and weekly Lenten email series.

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