Meet Jamie: ELCA Youth Gathering

“My life changed the day I was told that my son has autism. The journey has been full of ups and downs, but through it all God has been actively working to show us beauty and grace in the autism world. Because of the journey with our son, I am honored to serve as the team leader for the tAble planning team.”

Read Jamie’s letter in this post, and view a tAble Webinar she participates in as well.

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Where all may dwell: Augsburg Lutheran, Winston-Salem, NC

This week’s Story of Faith in Action features the Dwelling, an ELCA faith community designed for, but not exclusive to, people in Winston-Salem who are or have been homeless. Funding comes from partnerships with Augsburg, the North Carolina Synod, the Moravian Church in America and the ELCA churchwide organization.

Read this story in this post, view as a PDF resource, or visit our SOFIA 2021-2022 page for all resources.

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October 2021 Pastor Installations

Join us in a prayer of thanksgiving as our synod celebrates the installation of four pastors in the month of October.

Ever-living God, strengthen and sustain Rev. Brian Weinberger, Rev. Sandy Jones, and Rev. Ryan Hersch, that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people. Grant that together they may follow in the way of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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Applications open for ELCA Youth Leadership Summit

The ELCA Youth Leadership Summit will be held November 4-7, 2021 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We invite any high school youth active in their church to apply here by October 1, 2021. All lodging, meals, and programming are provided by a gracious grant from the ELCA.

Questions? Contact Pr. Jacqui Pagel, Associate to the Bishop Candidacy & Faith Formation, (480) 678-4406

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Former US presidents, religious leaders & LIRS launch organization to aid Afghan evacuees

Three former presidents and first ladies have joined with religious leaders, faith-based refugee resettlement agencies (including Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) to support a new national organization with the goal of making it easier to help Afghan evacuees arriving in the United States.

Welcome.US launched 9/14/2021 to provide a single point of entry for Americans to donate to frontline organizations, host arriving families through Airbnb and find other ways to help Afghans as they rebuild their lives in the U.S. after fleeing the Taliban. Read the article from Religion News Service here.

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Breaking the Silence about Suicide

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a month where the fight to end suicide is recognized on a national platform.

Here at the Suicide Prevention Ministry, an Independent Lutheran Organization, suicide prevention is the driving force of our daily work and the focus of our call to love our neighbor, care for the sick, and carry each other’s burdens.

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