Posts in Worship Resources
Faith Lens: Heavenly Mansions

Mackenzie Scott, novelist and former wife to Jeff Bezos, both of Amazon fame, is increasing her reputation for generosity with a significant donation to the California Community Foundation. This week she donated two mansions in Beverly Hills estimated at worth around $55 million. The foundation announced that 90% of the proceeds will go toward providing grants for affordable housing. The remaining 10% is slated to be used for programs for integration of immigrants.

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Faith Lens: Be Still, Be Found

A common human experience human is to lose something. Losing something can be very frustrating and produce a lot of stress, especially when you’re in a hurry or it’s a really important item. There are many reasons for why this happens; more often than not, we find the things we’ve lost when least expect it.

But did you also know that it is common for people to “freak out” when they are the thing that is lost?

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ELCA hosts “Embody the Word” online Bible study series

In preparation for the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, ELCA members are encouraged to participate in a series of online Bible studies that will explore the assembly theme, "Embody the Word," from Luke 24. Register here for the live Bible study series held on Zoom.

  • July 10 – Rev. Jay Alanís, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in San Juan, Texas.

  • July 17 – Sally Azar, currently studying in Germany with plans to serve the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) as its first female pastor.

  • July 24 – Man-Hei Yip, assistant professor of systematic theology at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa.

  • July 31 – Denise Rector, doctoral student in womanist theology and race and history at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

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ELCA Worship News: June, 2022

ELCA Worship shares their June news in this newsletter, highlighting All Creation Sings, Spanish resources, and many summer resources and events.

“During the summer months, worship leaders often plan for fall and the next liturgical year. As part of this looking ahead, there can also be an intentional looking back to what has nurtured and shaped your congregation’s worship in the past months.”

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Commemoration of the Emanuel Nine: June 17, 2022

As part of the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, voting members adopted a resolution designating June 17 as a commemoration of the martyrdom of the Emanuel 9—the nine people shot and killed on June 17, 2015, during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C.

Our relationship to the shooter, as well as two of the slain, reminds us of both our complicity and our calling.

The resources at are provided to help synods and congregations mark this commemoration.

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