Posts in Worship Resources
Worship Resource for the Anniversary of Earthquake in Haiti

January 12, 2020 marks the ten-year anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti that killed more than 300,000 people. The impact of this disaster reveals layers of trauma. In addition to the earthquake itself, a long history of colonialism, ongoing systemic oppression, poverty, racism, and climate change have all contributed to the death toll and devastation.

This significant anniversary gives us an opportunity to reflect upon our role and our responsibility in cultivating sustainable global partnerships. It also urges us to continue to take seriously the effects of climate change and our faithful response to the urgent need to care for the earth. 

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Faith Lens: Canary in the Coal Mine

Today, many scientists see our changing weather patterns, diminished arctic ice, increasing ocean temperatures, 500-year floods every four years, mass extinctions, and forest fires as desperate calls to action.  Just a century ago, miners kept caged birds in the tunnels to warn of deadly mine gasses.  According to climate activists, nations and industries are ignoring the warning signs and heading deeper into the mine.

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Faith Lens: Transformative Changes

Sobering news was released in May by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations. Using a team of 455 authors from 50 countries, IPBES spent three years reviewing 15,000 government and scientific sources to come to the assessment that one million species of plants and animals (roughly one in eight species in the whole world) are threatened with extinction, many within decades. Read the full blog post »

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