Posts in Resources
ELCA Growing Younger “Train The Trainer” Virtual Gathering

Join the ELCA Growing Younger “Train The Trainer” Virtual Gathering, August 11-12, 2021, 9am-3:30 pm MST/PDT. Leaders will learn to increase the number of youth and young adults involved in the life and leadership of the church.

Synodical leadership is invited: Bishops, Assistants to the Bishops, Youth and Young Adult leaders, Evangelism, SYMBOL, DEM’s and others. Register here by 8/1/2020 and contact Pastor Jacqui Pagel for questions and if you plan to attend. View this post or this PDF for more info.

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Care-Filled Worship and Sacramental Life in a Lingering Pandemic

The Ecumenical Consultation on Protocols for Worship, Fellowship, and Sacraments provides a comprehensive update to the guidance originally published in the summer of 2020. View/download the Care-Filled Worship and Sacramental Life in a Lingering Pandemic PDF document.

The consultation included an ecumenical group of theologians, scientists, physicians, pastors, bishops, and practitioners from at least seven church bodies.

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Remembering the Emanuel Nine on June 17, 2021

A collection of resources is available at to help synods and congregations mark the martyrdom of the Emanuel Nine — the nine people shot and killed on June 17, 2015, during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C.

These resources can be adapted for virtual worship, online conversation or individual reflection and devotion. Synods and congregations are encouraged to mark this commemoration locally.

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Form A & C Reports filing system shuts down on June 11, 2021

The filing system for Form A & C Parochial Reports on the Office of the Secretary resource page shuts down for the year on June 11, 2021. Forms should be submitted electronically before that date in order to be included in the 2020 ELCA statistics.

Thank you for your work with these reports. We know 2020 will be an interesting year. If your congregation did not receive your password from ELCA Churchwide, or if you have any questions, please contact Theresa Thornburgh in the synod office.

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“River of Life” Vacation Bible School At-Home Guide

The at-home guide for ELCA World Hunger’s “River of Life” Vacation Bible School program for 2021 is now available for download.

This at-home guide is a supplemental resource for the full “River of Life VBS leader’s guide and includes modified activities, suggestions for online and at-home VBS, links to new videos and tips for parents, caregivers and other adults leading VBS with children at home!

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Want to offer your congregation a chance to deepen, strengthen, and stretch their faith?

GCS Diakonia believes that through the proper formation and with the right education, lay ministry is an invaluable asset to your congregation, and the church as a whole. If you are interested in finding out how your involvement in Diakonia can help your church do God's work with our hands, check out our website for more information:

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Caring for Creation page available on

We’re pleased to launch a dedicated page on our site to caring for creation and climate change. This new page provides an archive of resources and letters on the subject of care for creation.

Caring for God's creation is an ever-evolving topic in this world, as climate change accelerates changes and our we further understand how human’s influence on the health of our planet. View the page here.

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Apply for Open Doors: ministry grants for congregations

Your congregation is invited to apply for an Open Doors grant to support your ministries as we resume in-person worship and gatherings.

How can we meet new people, especially as we crave community following a time of unprecedented isolation? How might we stay connected with people who have not visited our church buildings but joined us online? Have an idea? Apply and learn more at

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GCS Diakonia program prepares for Fall Term

Martin Luther himself said, "A simple layman armed with Scripture is greater than the mightiest pope without it." At Diakonia, we agree, and support GCS pastors and congregations by educating individuals on the more nuanced aspects of lay ministry.

If you or someone you know is looking for a rich, theological education, a deepened appreciation of the Bible, and clarity in forms of grace-filled service, check out this two-year program. Classes start in September, visit for more info.

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Application window now open for Domestic Hunger Grants

The application window for the 2022 ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger Grants is now open. Visit to learn more about the grants and how to apply.

Organizations applying for an ELCA grant for the first time must register by setting up an account in ELCA GrantMaker in order to access the Domestic Hunger Grant application.

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Co-Creating the Post-COVID World / Creando un mundo pos-COVID juntos

Join a conversation (4/27/2021 or 4/28/2021) about the role of the church in the transformation of our communities, facilitated by Rev. Dr. Ray Pickett, Rector at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and Desta Goehner, Director of Congregational Relations at Cal Lutheran. View flyer in English or Spanish.

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Applications due 4/20/2021 for Vital Right-Shaped Ministry Vitality and Innovation Grants

These grants are intended to help congregations become vital and healthy by defining their values, strengthening their mission, noticing their context, and evaluating their ministry. Click to download the application as a Word document.

We hope that you and your community will be innovative and think outside the box. Applications are due by April 20, 2021.

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