Posts in Resources
11/19/2020 Prayer: Pray that students find the care and attention they need to learn, mature and grow strong in their self-esteem.

Some students find studying from home more difficult than others, especially those who live with learning disabilities, have special needs or experience the learning environment best when interacting with peers, teachers and counselors in person. Pray that these students will find the care and attention they need — in person and online — to learn, mature and grow strong in their self-esteem.

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11/18/2020 Prayer: Pray for federal chaplains serving in the U.S. military and Veterans Affairs hospitals as they minister to military members and their families here and around the world.

Pray for federal chaplains serving in the U.S. military and Veterans Affairs hospitals as they minister to military members and their families here and around the world. Give thanks for how they touch the lives of young adults, encourage their faith, connect them with faith communities, and provide care and counseling in unique contexts.

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11/15/2020 Prayer: Pray that we might trust in God’s promises and in the certainty of our salvation through Jesus Christ.

Pray that we might trust in God’s promises and in the certainty of our salvation through Jesus Christ, and not fret or speculate about when Christ will come again. Ask God to help us live in the present as children of God who share the good news of Jesus Christ, grow the church, strengthen one another and serve their neighbor.

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11/14/2020 Prayer: Pray for pastors and Christian education leaders who are working through the challenges of confirmation instruction.

Pray for pastors and Christian education leaders who are working through the challenges of confirmation instruction in a time when most congregations are still unable to meet in person. Ask God to lead them toward creative, effective solutions that will nurture and strengthen faith in young people, share the teachings of the church and affirm their roles and gifts as members of the body of Christ.

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