Posts in Resources
11/12/2020 Prayer: Pray for those who are recovering from hurricanes, storms and flooding here and in other countries.

Pray for people who are recovering from hurricanes, storms and flooding here and in other countries. Ask God to displace their grief and despair with hope, their feelings of loss with comfort and wholeness, and their isolation and loneliness with the reassurance that people, congregations and ministries such as Lutheran Disaster Response will stand with them now and for the long haul of recovery and healing.

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11/11/2020 Prayer: Remember and give thanks for the service and personal sacrifice of women and men who have served our nation in times of peace and war.

Veterans Day Remember and give thanks for the service and personal sacrifice of women and men who have served our nation in times of peace and war. Pray for those currently serving in the military and for their families, especially during times of separation, that they will know they are remembered, valued and cared for by their faith community and siblings in Christ.

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11/7/2020 Prayer: Pray for our global companions as some countries experience a new wave of COVID-19 infections.

Continue to pray for our global companions as some countries experience a new wave of COVID-19 infections. Pray for those countries most affected, that we might share physical and spiritual support and resources, mutually encourage leaders and congregations, and wait patiently for the day when we can celebrate our unity and work together in person.

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11/5/2020 Prayer: Pray for all those affected by wildfires, including firefighters, emergency responders, and volunteers.

Pray for people and communities in the western states that are fighting wildfires, recovering from the devastation left by recent fires and worrying about the increased threat of wildfires and longer fire seasons. Ask God to protect the firefighters, emergency responders and volunteers who work tirelessly and at great personal risk to protect lives and property.

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11/4/2020 Prayer: Pray that the Spirit will open our hearts and sharpen our minds.

We are called to be disciples and students of Jesus, to study Scripture and to learn from the bearers of faith who live by what they teach. Pray that the Spirit will open our hearts and sharpen our minds to distinguish between those who are trustworthy and those who use their position and powers of persuasion to tempt us from the truth and ways of God.

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11/3/2020 Prayer: Pray for the Spirit to grant us wisdom and courage in our discernment and decisions as we our elect leaders

Pray for the Spirit to grant us wisdom and courage in our discernment and decisions as we elect leaders for our nation, states and communities. Pray that those chosen to serve will do so with compassion, justice, concern for people with critical needs and a commitment to the well-being of all people and communities.

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