Posts in Resources
10/7/2020 Prayer: Pray for the Spirit to stir our humility, wisdom and persistence as we strive for racial justice, reform, reconciliation and unity.

Ask forgiveness for our involvement ― consciously or unconsciously ― in perpetuating the racism, laws and structures that benefit the majority through inequality and oppression. Pray for the Spirit to stir our humility, wisdom and persistence as we reflect on our lives and society and strive for racial justice, reform, reconciliation and unity as children of God.

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10/2/2020 Prayer: Pray that we will repent, embrace God’s peace and justice, and heed God’s command.

Ezekiel confronted the Israelites for their resistance to change and to God’s ways of fairness. He rejected their arguments that change was too difficult, that they were acting only as they were raised and that he needed to live in the real world. Pray that we will repent, embrace God’s peace and justice, and heed God’s command, through Ezekiel, to “get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit!”

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The Sacred Work of Grief, Part 2 - Rev. Solveig Nilsen-Goodin

The Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders continues every Wednesday, 1 pm Central, 11am MST. Links to the meeting at as well as archives.

Pastora Irma Bañales leads us through Expressing and Mourning our Grief in this Wednesday’s online gathering, Wednesday, October 7, 2020. She is the DEM for the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod, and will be with us the first Wednesday of each month through 2020.

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Third session of Beginning a Culture of Generosity program available

The third session of the Beginning a Culture of Generosity fall stewardship program is available for review. It’s available here for those who missed it or are curious about the program.

Because this program is intended for registered BCG participants, recorded sessions will only be available for about 4-6 weeks following each session. Contact Deb Elstad, 3E Associate Director,, if your congregation wants to benefit from this one-time-only program.

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9/30/2020 Prayer: Pray for individuals and families trying to immigrate to our nation or seeking asylum and safety

Pray for individuals and families trying to immigrate to our nation or seeking asylum and safety as they face changing laws, complicated procedures and unwelcoming situations and people. Pray that the love of God dwelling within us will move us to step forward and practice hospitality, compassion, understanding and empathy as bold advocates who accompany immigrants and refugees during their difficult and confusing experiences.

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Readiness for retirement program available for rostered ministers

Through the ELCA’s Resourceful Servants initiative, eligible rostered ministers can build up their retirement savings . A process of qualification and application must be completed by October 15, 2020. Learn more.

Recipients’ increased individual contributions of $600 to their ELCA retirement plan accounts with Portico are matched dollar for dollar, for a period of one-year.

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9/29/2020 Prayer: Pray that our faith and the inspiration of the Spirit will open our minds, hearts and imaginations.

Michael and All Angels There is so much we do not fully comprehend about heaven, earth and the means ― including angels and divine beings ― by which God has interacted with us throughout human history. Pray that our faith and the inspiration of the Spirit will open our minds, hearts and imaginations to the infinite, mysterious and awesome ways that God is present and at work in the world.

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9/28/2020 Prayer: Pray for our seminaries, colleges, universities and campus ministries as they work to create new approaches to education.

Pray for our seminaries, colleges, universities and campus ministries as they work to create new approaches to education, fostering community among students and faculty when they cannot be physically present. Pray that we will be generous in supporting ELCA educational institutions and student ministries that are vital to our church and society.

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