Posts in Resources
9/10/2020 Prayer:  Give thanks for the gifts and service that women pastors have brought to our church and our world.

During this anniversary year, marking a half century of Lutheran women being ordained in the United States, give thanks for the gifts and service that women pastors have brought to our church and our world; lament that women have been barred from serving and have been bullied, dismissed and excluded; ask forgiveness; and resolve that we will welcome, encourage and respect women of all ages and backgrounds as they respond to God’s call to ministry and service.

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Pastor Jacqui Pagel: Tools of Faith Formation

As the Associate to the Bishop for Candidacy and Faith Formation, I have one of the best jobs. Most of my time is spent building relationships with people to develop good leaders. I get to do my most favorite thing…talk!

It was with great joy that I recently participated in a few workshops: the Faithful Innovative Learning Communities program from Luther Seminary, and the Growing Young program from Fuller Seminary.

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Beginning a Culture of Generosity program second session available

For those involved in the Beginning a Culture of Generosity fall stewardship program, the second session is available here for those who missed it or are curious about the program.

Because this program is intended for registered BCG participants, recorded sessions will only be available for about 4-6 weeks following each session. Contact Deb Elstad, 3E Associate Director,, if your congregation wants to benefit from this one-time-only program.

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9/9/2020 Prayer:  Remember in prayer our siblings in Christ and companions in Latin America and the Caribbean region.

Remember in prayer our siblings in Christ and companions in Latin America and the Caribbean region. Pray that we will support each other ― through prayer, generosity and sharing of resources ― to spread the gospel, train and support leaders, respond to the needs of communities, work for justice and grow the church.

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Lilly 3E stewardship program builds momentum

The next session for Beginning a Culture of Generosity, An Effective, Inspiring Stewardship Appeal, is Saturday, 9/5/2020, at 9 am. Need to review the first session? It’s available here for those who missed it or are curious about the program.

Contact Deb Elstad, 3E Associate Director,, if your congregation wants to be with the 25 other congregations who are benefiting from this one-time-only program during these unique times.

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9/3/2020 Prayer:  Pray for strength, empathy, compassion and boldness in our faith and daily life

There is no better time than right now for us to hold on to what is good, treat one another with respect, extend hospitality to strangers and those different from ourselves, seek peace, and care for our neighbors, including our enemies. Pray for strength, empathy, compassion and boldness in our faith and daily life as we follow Jesus.

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9/2/2020 Prayer:  Pray that the Spirit will grant us wisdom, creativity and patience as we seek new ways of being church together

September often marks a time of beginning, with students starting school, congregations launching programs and creation transitioning into a new season. But due to the pandemic, this year is different, presenting challenges we have not faced before. Pray that the Spirit will grant us wisdom, creativity and patience as we seek new ways of being church together, attend to the needs of children and youth, care for one another and fight the spread of COVID-19.

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Emergency savings program available for rostered ministers

Two Savings Matching programs through the ELCA’s Resourceful Servants initiative address financial challenges being experienced by rostered ministers, namely a lack of emergency savings and a lack of retirement savings.

These programs partner with rostered ministers to encourage a habit of saving by providing matching funding to more rapidly grow savings and retirement accounts. The due date to complete the process is October 15, 2020.

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Rev. Solveig Nilsen-Goodin and the sacred work of grief

The Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders continues every Wednesday, 1 pm Central, 11am MST. Links to the meeting at as well as archives.

Drawing on her experiences of simple and powerful ritual in her own life's apprenticeship with sorrow, Rev. Solveig Nilsen-Goodin will begin a six-month series on the sacred work of grief (the first Wednesday of each month, September through February).

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8/31/2020 Prayer:  Pray for synod leaders and committees as they carefully plan assemblies rescheduled for this fall or next year

Pray for synod leaders and committees as they carefully plan assemblies rescheduled for this fall or next year. Remember that our strength and unity in Christ transcend traditional places, methods or times of gathering — we are the church, the body of Christ, in every setting and circumstance.

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8/30/2020 Prayer:  Give thanks that we have been transformed and made new through God’s love for us and our baptism in Jesus Christ

Give thanks that we have been transformed and made new through God’s love for us and our baptism in Jesus Christ. Pray that the living word of Jesus will guide our baptismal journeys so that we extend hospitality to strangers, love and serve our neighbor, overcome evil with good, accompany people who are suffering and in pain, and disavow vengeance and hate.

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