Posts in Resources
7/23/2020 Prayer: Pray for our ELCA colleges, universities and seminaries and their faculties, staff and students

Pray for our ELCA colleges, universities and seminaries and their faculties, staff and students as they work to adapt to and overcome the disruptions and difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray that faculty and staff will find effective ways of caring for students, continuing educational experiences both in person and from a distance, enriching faith and helping students discern and prepare for their vocations.

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FAQs for Remote Council and Congregation Meetings during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This resource is from the ELCA Office of the Secretary, with notes and additions from the Grand Canyon Synod Office of the Bishop.

In summary, in Nevada and Arizona, remote council and member meetings are acceptable as long as they are not prohibited by the organization’s governing documents. Check your constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions, as you will need to comply with those documents in announcing the meeting, establishing a quorum, and voting. Please read this full document for details.

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7/17/2020 Prayer: Pray for voting members of the Western North Dakota Synod

Pray for voting members of the Western North Dakota Synod gathered for a special meeting and elections, and for members throughout the synod who will participate through livestreaming. Ask that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in choosing leaders, proclaiming the gospel, growing the church, serving our neighbor and doing God’s work in an ever-changing world.

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2020 Narrative Spending resource available

The Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship Team is happy to share a 2020 Narrative Spending resource. Available as PDF and PNG image, in one page this narrative helps you tell the story of how mission support funds sent to the Grand Canyon Synod are utilized in God’s work.

When you invite your members to give to the church, you invite them to participate in God's work locally and also in places that they cannot be physically. They get excited to be part of it!

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7/16/2020 Prayer: Pray for businesses that are struggling, and for their owners and employees

Pray for businesses that are struggling or reopening or have shut down, and for their owners, their employees and all the other people and businesses they impact. Ask God to help them make decisions and implement new health precautions that take into consideration the well-being and needs of their employees, the people they serve and their community.

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7/13/2020 Prayer: Give thanks for the leadership, ministry and gifts of women who have served the church throughout history

Pause to reflect on the significance of the 50th anniversary of a Lutheran church choosing to ordain women in the United States. Give thanks for the leadership, ministry and gifts of women who have served the church throughout history and for those women who endured the hardships and work leading to the ordination of women.

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7/11/2020 Prayer: Remember in prayer refugees and immigrants throughout the world

Remember in prayer refugees and immigrants throughout the world and at our borders who hope for and seek welcoming, safe communities where they can reestablish their lives and raise their families. Pray that they will have access to health services, food and resources to meet their daily needs during this time of heightened vulnerability and isolation.

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GCS Tech Lab featuring Vicar Beth Gallen

On Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 10 am, join Vicar Beth Gallen, seminary intern at Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix, as she shares podcasting lessons while creating The GLOWSHOW Podcast with Pastor Sarah Stadler. Vicar Beth also shares musings as a candidate for Word and Sacrament ministry about the future of the church and the role of technology: the opportunities and pitfalls.

Use the link to access the Zoom meeting every Wednesday at 10 am.

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A New Being Academy course on Promoting Diversity, Creating Inclusion

Interested in creating a community of equity and justice? A new Being Academy course Promoting Diversity, Creating Inclusion, featuring educator Aparna Rae, can help. Portico believes the tools and topics are of value for church leaders in this important time.

Portico members with ELCA-Primary health coverage can access the course here or via myPortico. The course available at no charge to everyone for a limited time to support learning and promote equity.

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