Posts in Resources
GCS Tech Lab: Pastor David Drach-Meinel

Our first Grand Canyon Synod Tech Lab contributor is Pastor David Drach-Meinel, with Christ the Servant in Henderson. For many years Pastors David and Diane have embraced new technologies, and since March transitioned to full online worship using a recording studio set up in their home. “This is not something we do while we wait to go back,” Pastor Drach-Meinel says. “This is what we’re doing because this is ministry now.”

In this blog post, we share a portion of the video, tips and tricks, and a full resource list.

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Pastor Kristin Engstrom provides early July sermon

Pastor Kristin Engstrom, the Country Coordinator for the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program in Senegal, provides a video sermon (also in PDF) for use for either Sunday, July 5 or 12, 2020.

Pastor Engstrom will use the texts from the ELCA Global Church Sunday Resources. We encourage synod churches to adapt the resources to celebrate this virtual visit from Pastor Engstrom. View this post for multiple ways to access the video.

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GCS Tech Lab with Living Water, Scottsdale

Pastors Shari Bernau and Mark Rossman with Living Water, Scottsdale, join us in this week’s Tech Lab for a quick conversation on their use of technology and adaptation during this time of change.

Use the link to access the Zoom meeting every Wednesday at 10 am, or email to get an email invite. Visit where we’ll archive resources from each week.

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GCS Tech Lab offers a weekly technology conversation

The Grand Canyon Synod Tech Lab is a weekly online Zoom conversation designed to spark possibilities as our church rapidly changes. Join us every Wednesday at 10 am with the link to access the Zoom meeting.

We’re all over-Zoomed, and Tech Lab is quick. Drop by for ten minutes or stay the full forty. Each lab starts with a ten-minute presentation, then a ten-minute Q&A with the presenter. The final 20 minutes are open forum.

Our first contributor is Pastor David Drach-Meinel, with Christ the Servant in Henderson, who has enough tech knowledge to present every Wednesday for a year. We’ll see what he can fit in ten minutes! More info:

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