Posts in Resources
2/22/2020 Prayer: Immigrants and refugees

Continue to pray for immigrants and refugees, who often experience daunting challenges and loneliness as they pursue sanctuary and a welcoming place to rebuild their lives in this country. Give thanks for the work of congregations, synods, individuals and agencies in welcoming and accompanying immigrants and refugees as part of the ELCA’s AMMPARO strategy (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities).

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Living Lutheran: New ways to proclaim the gospel

Live from Omaha, Neb., it’s Sunday worship from Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church! Since 1962, this congregation has broadcast its Sunday service on cable TV.

Not all congregations can have a TV program, but many have technology ministries, whether they have purchased equipment and fully wired the church, project the hymns on big screens or post simple videos to a Facebook page.

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Living Lutheran: A mirror and a lens—Technology and spiritual development

How does the digital era both help and hinder our spiritual development? How can Lutherans leverage digital technology’s attributes—and respond to its challenges?

These were the questions Living Lutheran put forward to three ELCA experts on the topic, who guide us through the complex relationship between our spiritual lives and technology by offering their responses here.

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2/20/2020 Prayer: Stewardship as a way of life

Stewardship is more than annual pledge cards, balanced budgets and financial responses to God’s love ― it’s a way of life. Pray that we will recognize and give thanks for the breadth of resources and assets ― time, talents, possessions and money ― God has entrusted to our care as individuals, families and congregations, and that we will discover ways of using everything we have to live out God’s call to love God and our neighbors.

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ELCA World Hunger Sermon Starter, Ash Wednesday

These reflections are a part of ELCA World Hunger’s Sermon Starter series which is published via email every Monday. You can sign up for the weekly email here on the right side of the page if on a computer or near the bottom of the page if viewing from a phone. You are invited to use the message below for personal devotion as well as prompts for sermon writing.

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Be heard with your rostered leader report

Active and retired rostered leaders are invited to connect directly with Bishop Hutterer via the annual Report to the Bishop. She looks forward to your responses and feedback. Every report will be read by Bishop Hutterer, and you will receive a response.

Completion of this required report is one of the commitments rostered leaders are invited to make upon entering the synod. The report is due by March 27, 2020, and can be found at

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GCS pastors attend First Call Theological Education in Burlingame, CA

Four of our first call pastors—Pastors Nannette Christofferson, David Sivecz, Mateo Chaves, Abel Arroyo—joined Pastor Jacqui Pagel and 48 other newly-rostered pastors and deacons at the Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA. This conference covered the topic of conflict and encouraged participants to use better language, self-reflection, and continued dialogue to strengthen our congregations and be better church together.

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