Posts in Region 2
Vocational Panel: Explore ministry pathways beyond traditional pastoral ministry

Did you know that not everyone who goes seminary plans to be a pastor? Have you felt a call to seminary but wondered what vocational path there might be for you in ministry?

Join a Q&A discussion on Saturday, 3/25/2023, 9am PDT/MST, 10am MDT, with people who are serving in diverse forms of ministry and explore where God might be calling you. Learn more and register here.

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The Precarious Power of a Strongly Worded Letter: Political Correspondence, Lutheran Theology, and Civic Participation

Dr. Anthony Bateza, a guest at our 2023 Synod Assembly, presents this talk on Wednesday, 3/22/2023, 10am MST/PDT, 11am MDT at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. If you are planning to attend online, please register at this link.

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New spring cohort for Excellence in Leadership

A new cohort of Excellence in Leadership will begin Sunday, March 12, 2023. Classes will run approximately every two weeks and end on April 28, 2024 with a Commissioning Ceremony. Starting in the Spring and finishing in 13 months is an opportunity for councils and ministries as they begin to reorganize early in the year. Learn more on the Rocky Mountain Synod website.

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PLTS Keynote Lecture: CRISPR Revolution in Science, Religion, and Ethics

This lecture will present an overview of the CRISPR revolution and the various uses of CRISPR, a  powerful gene editing tool. The questions and issues raised by the scientific, ethical, and religious communities amidst this CRISPR revolution are more important than the answers provided.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 10am-12pm MST, 9-11am PST. If you are planning to attend in-person, please register at this link. If you are planning to attend online, please register at this link. Presented by Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and California Lutheran University.

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The Chrysalis Initiative: One congregation's long-term response to a devastating fire

Watch a video from the Rocky Mountain Synod on Ascension Lutheran’s response to the Marshall Fire.

On Dec. 30, 2021, the Marshall Fire, a destructive wildfire and urban conflagration whipped by sustained winds, swept across Boulder County, Colorado. The fire completely destroyed the homes of several families who are members of Christ the Servant Lutheran Church in Louisville, including pastor Stephanie Lord’s.

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WSYG & WYLE Schedule Release

The schedules for the July 2023 Western States Youth Gathering (WSYG) and Western States Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (WYLE) have been released. Register and learn more at

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Training Opportunity: Revitalizing your congregation's preaching ministry

If your congregation is open to a more collaborative preaching model (perhaps even developing a cadre of lay preachers), consider this opportunity with the Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan (preaching professor at PLTS in Berkeley, CA). Congregational teams consisting of 4-5 lay people and a rostered minister who will journey through the program together, which runs April through June of 2023.

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PTLS hosts events for folks in discernment

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (PLTS) is hosting three events for folks in discernment. Find info here or click a link below:

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Prayers of lament for Colorado Springs violence

We share a prayer of lament from Bishop Jim Gonia and the Rocky Mountain Synod in the face of the heartbreaking shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, and lamenting the long history of violence against our LGBTQia+ siblings.

Christ our victim, whose beauty disfigured and whose body torn upon the cross; open wide your arms to embrace our tortured world, especially the victims who were injured and for the families mourn the deaths of those killed at Club Q in Colorado Springs, that we may not turn away our eyes, but abandon ourselves to your mercy. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

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Western States Youth Gathering is July 6-9, 2023

The Western States Youth Gathering (WSYG) and Western States Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (WYLE) is back! Coming to California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, CA from July 4-9, 2023. The event is open to high schoolers in our synod and ELCA Regions 1-4. The Western States Multicultural Youth Leadership Pre-Event (WYLE) will be held July 4-6, 2023.

Early-Bird registration for the Western States Youth Gathering is now OPEN! Learn more and register your group for the lowest possible prices at!

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Outdoor school instructors needed at Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences in Southern California

Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences in Southern California is looking for Outdoor School Instructors for our Spring 2023 season!

Our season starts with a comprehensive training in March and ends in June (with the opportunity to work year-round if interested).

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