Posts in Prayers
Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 2/12/2023
  • For people of Turkey and Syria who grieve death and destruction following a major earthquake, and for all relief and recovery efforts…

  • For all clergy of color, especially those serving in white contexts and communities…

  • For continued vigilance, appreciation, and awe for the Black community of the United States during Black History Month…

  • For all in our nation struggling with rising food costs…

  • For those watching the Super Bowl today, that they enjoy fun and excitement–or devastation–with friends and family…

  • For inspiration and strength to show love in deed, word, and acts of art and beauty…

  • For all experiencing improvements in mental, emotional, and physical health with the lengthening daylight hours…

  • In thanksgiving for ongoing improvements in the COVID-19 pandemic, while also continued prayers for all affected by the virus…

  • For world leaders, that they hold their power with humility and care…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 2/5/2023
  • For the family of Tyre Nichols and the city of Memphis as they experience the trauma of police brutality…

  • For the city of Jerusalem as it mourns those killed in the recent synagogue shooting…

  • For victims and families following a mosque bombing in Pakistan…

  • For labor strikes in the U.K. and for fair working conditions for all…

  • For the UN, NATO, and all world leaders working in global collaboration…

  • For warmth and safety following ice storms in the southern and central USA…

  • For a renewed commitment to seeking racial justice as we enter Black History Month…

  • For free access to education, and in thanksgiving for all educators…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 1/29/2023
  • For the continued influx of asylum seekers entering the United States …

  • For the victims of shootings in California and Georgia, and for all victims of mass shootings and gun violence…

  • For all grieving amidst celebrations of the Lunar New Year…

  • For all affected by blackouts in South Africa…

  • For those suffering acute or long infections with Covid-19, especially as cases surge in China…

  • For those grieving victims of a worship bombing in the Democratic Republic of Congo…

  • For protesters in South America…

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Prayers for the family of Pastor Nathan and Sharonette Bowman

Prayers for Pastor Nathan and Sharonette Bowman on the death of their son Isaiah on Friday (1/20/2023). It has been a hard journey for Isaiah and the Bowman family as they battled a rare blood disease for many, many years, and we pray for God's grace to enfold them and Christ's resurrection to give them hope.

There will be a memorial service this coming Saturday (1/28) at 10:30am at Shepherd of the Desert (11025 N 111th Ave, Sun City, AZ 85351).

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 1/22/2023
  • For the safety of women and children kidnapped in Burkina Faso…

  • For those killed by gang violence in Goshen, California and all whose lives are affected by gangs…

  • For people of Asian descent who continue to face anti-Asian hate crimes…

  • For the families of those killed in a plane crash in Nepal …

  • For flooding in California, Western Australia, and all places with too much water …

  • For transgender people who fight for their right to live around the world and especially in Scotland …

  • For chicken farmers battling avian flu in their flocks …

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The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023

Join Bishop Hutterer along with other Arizona judicatory heads for the statewide celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) 2023. This Prayer Service will be held Friday, January 20, 2023 to celebrate the Annual WPCU, and we are delighted to welcome everyone back to our first in-person gathering in 3 years.

Arizona’s statewide gathering for the celebration will take place at 6:00 p.m. Friday, January 20, 2023, at Phillips Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 1401 E. Adams St., Phoenix, AZ 85034.

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