Posts in Prayers
Prayers of lament for Colorado Springs violence

We share a prayer of lament from Bishop Jim Gonia and the Rocky Mountain Synod in the face of the heartbreaking shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, and lamenting the long history of violence against our LGBTQia+ siblings.

Christ our victim, whose beauty disfigured and whose body torn upon the cross; open wide your arms to embrace our tortured world, especially the victims who were injured and for the families mourn the deaths of those killed at Club Q in Colorado Springs, that we may not turn away our eyes, but abandon ourselves to your mercy. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 11/20/2022
  • For worship leaders and musicians preparing for Advent and Christmas…

  • For those traveling this Thanksgiving holiday, those who will spending the holiday alone or with one less place setting this year, and those for whom holiday gatherings bring grief or anxiety…

  • For those who grow, distribute, sell, and prepare our food, and the land from which it grows…

  • For those struggling and working to rebuild in the wake of flooding and natural disasters…

  • For those grieving in the aftermath of the University of Virginia shooting and for an end to gun violence…

  • For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

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Prayers for Gloria Christi Federated Church in Phoenix

We pray for Rev. Brent Maxwell and the people of Gloria Christi Federated Church in Phoenix, an emerging Federated Community of Faith created by and made up of the former members of Palo Cristi Presbyterian Church and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and part of the Northeast Valley Conference. Visit their new site at, and their Facebook page.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 11/13/2022

ELCA worship invites you to give feedback on prayers of intercession by 11/23/2022.

Intercession prompts:

  • For newly elected and re-elected public officials and a willingness to reach across party lines for the well-being of all people, especially the most vulnerable…

  • For deepening political divisions within our communities, nation, and families…

  • For those who are unemployed or underemployed…

  • For residents of Florida and the Bahamas, as Tropical Storm Nicole makes landfall and intensifies…

  • For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

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A prayer for Veterans Day

Almighty and ever-living God, we give you thanks for the men and women who have served and defended our country and the values of freedom and justice we hold so dear. Help us be mindful of the sacrifices they made and the hardship endured by their families and friends, so that we never take for granted the privileges they have secured for us. Hear us, we pray, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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Prayer for Day of Election

Good and Gracious God, be with us and our nation on election day and throughout the election process. Guide our actions, that good and faithful leaders may be raised up to serve our nation and communities justly. Protect our communities from acts of violence. Provide peace of mind to all who are anxious. Bring comfort to all who are stressed and hope to those who are fearful.

Grant that your holy and life-giving Spirit may move every human heart to be kind; that the barriers dividing our nation may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatred cease. Help us to put our trust in you and give us wisdom, strength, and courage to be living examples of your love, today and every day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 11/6/2022
  • For the global missionaries of our church, including pastors, educators, medical personnel, and Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM)…

  • For our nation’s veterans, all who have experienced the violence of war, and those who strive for peace…
    For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

  • For those injured and those grieving loss of life in the aftermath of the tragic Halloween festivities in Seoul, South Korea…

  • For those grieving loss of life following the bridge collapse in Morbi, Gujarat, India…

  • For our national and local elections and those who will be elected to public office this week…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: October 30, 2022
  • For those grieving in the aftermath of the shooting at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School in St. Louis, Missouri…

  • For all affected by school shootings and acts of violence…

  • For the leaders of nations and all diplomats and peacemakers…

  • For our upcoming national and local elections and election judges who will serve at the polls…

  • For the victims of human trafficking…

  • For relief and peaceful resolution to the ongoing violence in Haiti…

  • For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: October 23, 2022
  • For those who are unemployed, underemployed, or experiencing financial hardship…

  • For those experiencing famine in Somalia and all who experience hunger and malnutrition…

  • For the people of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras impacted by Tropical Storm Julia…

  • For nations in leadership or regime transition, and for upcoming elections…

  • For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

  • For musicians, cantors, choirs, and instrumental ensembles who lead our assembly in worship…

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