Posts in Prayers
Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: March 6, 2022
  • For the people of Ukraine, for conscripted Russian soldiers, for war zone reporters, for the leaders of the nations…that all your beloved might live in safety and freedom from fear…

  • For bold, adaptive leadership in the face of urgent climate change…

  • For African students in Ukraine seeking refuge, for an end to racism everywhere…

  • For Chef José Andrés and the World Central Kitchen, for all humanitarian relief efforts…

  • For trans kids and their parents, for allies, for legislators

  • For all who despair, for all who dare still to hope…

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A prayer for peace among the nations

Gracious God, grant peace among nations. Cleanse from our own hearts the seeds of strife: greed and envy, harsh misunderstandings and ill will, fear and desire for revenge. Make us quick to welcome ventures in cooperation among the peoples of the world, so that there may be woven the fabric of a common good too strong to be torn by the evil hands of war. In the time of opportunity, make us be diligent; and in the time of peril, let not our courage fail; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Prayers for the people of Madagascar and the Malagasy Lutheran Church

Former Bishop Lowell Almen brings our attention to Madagascar, where for the fifth time in six weeks, heavy rain and destructive wind are blowing in from the Indian Ocean: “Sitting off the coast of southeastern African, the island seems to escape the attention of much of the world.”

In this post, we pray for the people of the Malagasy Lutheran Church (part of the Lutheran World Federation) and the whole population of the island of Madagascar.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: February 27, 2022
  • For peace to prevail, especially between Russia and Ukraine…

  • For all firefighters working to contain destructive wildfires in Argentina…

  • For all members of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially beloved transgender women and girls at the heart of recent legislation…

  • For an end to rising, deadly violence against Asian American women…

  • For all who grieve the loss of loved ones to gun violence…

  • For all those living with mental illness…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: February 20, 2022
  • For those impacted severely by climate change, especially parts of the Western United States experiencing “megadrought” conditions…

  • For the escalating situation at the Russia/Ukraine border…

  • For state and local leaders navigating ongoing decisions about Covid-19 response and mitigation efforts…

  • For all parents of children under age 5, continuing to wait for Covid-19 vaccine authorization for their children…

  • For the people of Tonga as they continue to deal with the destruction and trauma inflicted by January’s volcano and tsunami…

  • In gratitude for the generous and faithful stewardship of all who donated to ELCA World Hunger through the Big Game Challenge 2022…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: February 13, 2022
  • For the people of Ottawa, Ontario as protests against Covid-19 restrictions continue…

  • For justice for Amir Locke and for boldness in countering racism and disrupting implicit bias…

  • For ongoing reformation in the church, especially the rising call to #reformation2022 by women of African descent throughout the ELCA…

  • For lives and property endangered by bushfires in Western Australia…

  • For peace among the nations, especially de-escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine…

  • For those facing severe hunger after recurrent droughts impacting Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia…

  • For congregations and church leaders experiencing burnout, restlessness, and decision fatigue…

  • We give thanks for Spirit-led commitments to making worship accessible for all people…

  • For the dedication and witness of librarians, authors, and local, independent bookstores…

  • For your wisdom to prevail, O God, as a Supreme Court nominee is chosen…

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: February 2, 2022
  • For Afghan refugees arriving in the United States…

  • For all affected by flooding and landslides in Brazil; for the displaced, the grieving, and all providing assistance and support…

  • For the work of the United Nations Security Council…

  • For the safety and wellbeing of all Olympic athletes; for the host city, Beijing…

  • For peace and security among HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) communities facing bomb threats this past week…

  • For the ELCA National Youth Gathering planning team and those who were registered to attend, at the recent difficult decision to cancel this summer’s Gathering…

  • For equitable distribution and effective use of N95 masks and COVID-19 home tests…

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Bishop Eaton's pastoral message on Ukraine

I watch with grave concern as tensions continue between Russia and Ukraine, and I fervently pray that a peaceful resolution to the conflict will be reached. I affirm the statement of the Lutheran World Federation's general secretary, the Rev. Dr. Anne Burghardt: "We urge all parties to de-escalate the situation and work for peace and stability. A peaceful solution must be found."

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