Posts in Prayers
1/27/2021 Prayer: Give thanks for women of all ages and backgrounds who use their gifts, life experiences, knowledge and passions to grow the church

Lydia, Dorcas and Phoebe, witnesses to the faith Praise God for the witness and ministry of women of the early church. Give thanks for women of all ages and backgrounds who, responding to God’s call, continue to use their gifts, life experiences, knowledge and passions to grow the church, serve all people and be bearers of hope and healing in the world.

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1/25/2021 Prayer: Pray for ministries, nonprofit organizations and agencies that serve the daily needs of communities, families and individuals

Pray for ministries, nonprofit organizations and agencies that serve the daily needs of communities, families and individuals; pursue justice and equity; build resilience to cope with disasters and crises; accompany immigrants and refugees; and bring the hope and love of Christ where there is despair and weariness.

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1/24/2021 Prayer: Pray that when God calls us to follow and serve, we will respond with faith and trust

In Scripture we read about Jesus’ simple, personal and compelling invitations to Simon, Andrew, James, John and the other disciples to drop everything and follow him. Pray that when God calls us to follow and serve, we will respond with faith and trust, even if we do not yet know where God is leading us or what God is calling us to do.

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