Posts in Prayers
Prayers for Paul Gryniewicz

We lift up in prayer the heart of our Synod Council Vice President, Paul Gryniewicz.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence,and do not take your holy spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit. —Psalm 51:10-19

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9/22/2020 Prayer: Help us understand how God’s amazing grace and forgiveness are directed toward all humanity.

Pray that reflecting on the ways and word of God will help us understand how God’s amazing grace and forgiveness are directed toward all humanity, including people we judge to be undeserving or beyond saving. Remember the undeserved gifts of love, forgiveness, new life and salvation we have received through Jesus Christ, and give thanks and praise to God.

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9/21/2020 Prayer: Thank God for our special relationship with the Moravian Church in America, a full communion partner with the ELCA.

Thank God for our special relationship with the Moravian Church in America, a full communion partner with the ELCA since 1999. Pray for the church, its diverse ministries and its members and leaders, and pray that together we will find mutual support, new partnerships and new resources for the work of sharing the gospel and serving our neighbor.

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9/15/2020 Prayer:  Pray for the growth and vitality of the 147 ELCA Latino ministries and the Latino Association (Asociación Ministerios Latinos ELCA)

National Hispanic Heritage Month Give thanks to God for the gifts, history, contributions and rich cultural diversity of our Latino brothers and sisters, and pray for the growth and vitality of the 147 ELCA Latino ministries and the Latino Association (Asociación Ministerios Latinos ELCA) as they share the good news of Jesus Christ, encourage our unity in him and promote Christian values that unite Latinos of the ELCA as a “community of communities.”

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9/14/2020 Prayer:  Give thanks for the work of the Spirit in equipping leaders with new skills, new perspectives and renewed creativity.

Pray for our pastors, our youth and family ministers, our congregational leaders and our synod staff as they earn new things amid difficult times. Give thanks for the work of the Spirit in equipping leaders with new skills, new perspectives and renewed creativity for sharing the gospel, building up the church and doing God’s work in the world.

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9/13/2020 Prayer:  Pray that we will respond daily to the endless opportunities for serving our neighbor

“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday Pray that our congregations, together with neighboring congregations, ecumenical and interreligious partners, community organizations and Lutheran agencies, will respond daily to the endless opportunities for serving our neighbor and addressing critical social needs, loving our neighbors and making our communities stronger, healthier and more hopeful.

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9/11/2020 Prayer:  Pray for the leaders and voting members gathering online for the Northeastern Ohio Synod Assembly

Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathering online for the Northeastern Ohio Synod Assembly, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in choosing leaders, proclaiming the gospel, growing the church, serving our neighbor and doing God’s work in an ever-changing world.

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9/10/2020 Prayer:  Give thanks for the gifts and service that women pastors have brought to our church and our world.

During this anniversary year, marking a half century of Lutheran women being ordained in the United States, give thanks for the gifts and service that women pastors have brought to our church and our world; lament that women have been barred from serving and have been bullied, dismissed and excluded; ask forgiveness; and resolve that we will welcome, encourage and respect women of all ages and backgrounds as they respond to God’s call to ministry and service.

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9/9/2020 Prayer:  Remember in prayer our siblings in Christ and companions in Latin America and the Caribbean region.

Remember in prayer our siblings in Christ and companions in Latin America and the Caribbean region. Pray that we will support each other ― through prayer, generosity and sharing of resources ― to spread the gospel, train and support leaders, respond to the needs of communities, work for justice and grow the church.

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