Posts in Prayers
8/17/2020 Prayer:  Remember in prayer the people and communities of India and Bangladesh

Remember in prayer the people and communities of India and Bangladesh that were affected by Cyclone Amphan in May. Pray for the response of Lutheran World Service India Trust, supported by Lutheran Disaster Response, as it provides food to families in urban slums, tarps and temporary shelters, and assists families in obtaining aid for housing reconstruction. Pray for God’s presence, comfort, hope and healing throughout their recovery.

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8/16/2020 Prayer:  Pray for forgiveness and God’s mercy when our actions, words, intentions or thoughts dishonor God’s ways and commandments.

Pray for forgiveness and God’s mercy when our actions, words, intentions or thoughts dishonor God’s ways and commandments. Ask for the Spirit to help us shine as bright witnesses to God’s unbound, unbiased love for humanity and to serve our neighbor without prejudice or reluctance.

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8/14/2020 Prayer: Pray that during this pandemic we will be renewed in our commitment to the patience, sacrifice and awareness of the example we set

Pray that during this pandemic, which has stretched beyond our expectations and imagination, we will be renewed in our commitment to the patience, sacrifice and awareness of the example we set as we continue personal health measures for the sake of our health and the wellness of our neighbors, community and nation.

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8/13/2020 Prayer: Give thanks for nurses

Give thanks for nurses, who care for our physical, emotional and spiritual needs in diverse settings, including hospitals, community clinics, congregations, schools, home care, the military, facilities for older adults, health education programs and global mission. Pray for the Evangelical Lutheran Parish Nurse Association and its work supporting, equipping and encouraging parish nurses across the country.

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In Memoriam: Adita Torres, Lutheran Church of Peru

We are grateful for the life and ministry of President Adita Torres, Lutheran Church of Peru. Adita died of COVID-19 on her 61st birthday, August 10, 1959-2020. May she be welcomed to the communion of saints with the same love she offered on earth. God bless her memory.

An interview posted on The Lutheran World Federation site sheds light on her work in Peru, and Bishop Michael Rinehart, Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, shares a remembrance.

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8/10/2020 Prayer: Pray for the ELCA Youth, Young Adult and Youth Gathering ministries and the ELCA Youth Ministry Network

Give thanks to God for leaders — paid and volunteer — who serve in youth, young adult and family ministries in our congregations and synods. Pray for the ELCA Youth, Young Adult and Youth Gathering ministries and the ELCA Youth Ministry Network, that their collective work of supporting, equipping and nurturing faith and of connecting leaders and young people will yield abundant fruit.

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8/8/2020 Prayer: Pray that we will develop a deeper commitment to mutual care and value one another

Pray for the Spirit to stir within us humility, wisdom, empathy and a commitment to dismantle the barriers between people who live in wealth and people who live in poverty. Pray that all will have sufficient resources for daily life and self-sufficiency but also will develop a deeper commitment to mutual care and will value one another and our interdependence.

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8/7/2020 Prayer: Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly

Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathered for the Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly and
participating in online sessions, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in choosing leaders, proclaiming the gospel, growing the church, serving our neighbor and doing God’s work in an ever-changing world.

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Prayers for Nan Nelson

We offer prayers of health and renewal for Nan Nelson, wife of Pastor Paul Nelson, as she begins treatments for the early stages of breast cancer.

O Lord, your compassions never fail and your mercies are new every morning. We give you thanks for giving our sister Jan both relief from pain and hope of health renewed. Continue in her the good work you have begun; that she, daily increasing in bodily strength and rejoicing in your goodness, may so order her life and conduct that she may always think and do those things that please you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Prayers for the friends, family and congregation of Kyle May

Pastor Lars Hammar writes: Open Space Church is grieving the first death of one of our members, Kyle May, 30 years old. He died mid-July in his home town of New Jersey while there to attend his brother’s funeral. Kyle had a joyous and free-wheeling spirit about him, and his loss has been full of grief for the community at Open Space. Your prayers are appreciated.

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8/5/2020 Prayer: Give thanks for young adults who have volunteered for global service

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Young Adults in Global Mission program will not be sending out volunteers this year. Give thanks for young adults who have volunteered for global service over the years, and pray that the Spirit will guide the Young Adults in Global Mission program as it prepares to continue its work and ministry alongside our global companions.

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