Posts in Prayers
5/42020 Prayer: Young Adults in Global Mission

Give thanks for the service and witness of U.S.-based mission personnel and of young adults serving in the Young Adults in Global Mission program, who have been brought home from their work with global companions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for their physical and spiritual health and that they will continue to respond to God’s call to serve in our church, our congregations, related organizations and society.

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5/2/2020 Prayer: Asian ministries in the ELCA

There are more than 100 Asian congregations and ministries in the ELCA. We remember in our prayers these congregations, ELCA Asian and Pacific Islander Ministries and the Association of Asian and Pacific Islanders, and ask God to bless their work with distinct, unique groups and communities as part of a common yet diverse Asian community.

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Announcing the birth of Carter Anthony Heller

We are grateful to announce the birth of Carter Anthony Heller to Rev. Chris and Elissa Heller of Mountain View Lutheran, Phoenix. Carter was born on Saturday, April 25, and we thank God that all three are happy and healthy.

Oh Lord our God, creator of all that exists, we thank you for the joy of watching new life begin and for the privilege of sharing with you and your continuing creation. In your mercy grant that these blessings may continue to us and even to our children's children, that generations yet unborn may bless your holy name; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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Daily Prayer in the Home

ELCA Worship shares a variety of ways to worship during this time of pandemic, as many are seeking resources to support daily prayer in the home. As we are physically separated from supportive Christian communities, it becomes increasingly important to mark our days and hours with prayer.

“I arise early in the morning and I cry out to you, I hope for your word. My eyes are open in the night watches, that I may meditate upon your promise.” (Psalm 119:147-148)

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Farewell and Godspeed to Rev. Jeff Kallevig

We pray for Rev. Jeff Kallevig, whose final Sunday at Our Saviour’s, Tucson, was this Easter. Rev. Kallevig is accepting a call to North Hollywood, California.

Eternal God, we thank you for Jeff and for our life together in the Grand Canyon Synod. As he has been a blessing to us, so now send him forth to be a blessing to others; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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Prayers for Rev. Thomas Stephens on his retirement

We lift up Rev. Thomas Stephens, who is retiring from Central Lutheran Church in Arizona City. Ordained in 1984, we thank God for Rev. Stephens’ 35 years of service.

Gracious God, we thank you for the work and witness of your servant Tom, who has enriched this community and brought gladness to friends and family. Now bless and preserve him at this time of transition. Day by day, guide him and give him what is needed, friends to cheer his way, and a clear vision of that to which you are now calling him. By your Holy Spirit be present in his pilgrimage, that he may travel with the one who is the way, the truth, and the life, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Prayers for Rev. Dr. Gene Perry

Please pray for Rev. Dr. Gene Perry (retired), who was anticipating a heart procedure designed to help prevent strokes. That surgery is now delayed 2-3 months by COVID-19 issues because it’s considered an elective surgery.

By your power, great God, our Lord Jesus healed the sick and gave new hope to the hopeless. Though we cannot command or posses your power, we pray for those who want to be healed.

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4/7/2020 Prayer: Pray for congregations responding to coronavirus

Pray for our congregations and full communion partners responding to the impact of the coronavirus and the evolving challenges of caring for spiritual and physical needs of members, nurturing community in new ways, serving neighbors in need, helping with financial stewardship, and proclaiming the hope and good news of Jesus Christ in times of anxiousness and uncertainty.

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Prayers for Times of Public Health Concern: COVID-19/Coronavirus

From the ELCA Public Health page, Prayers for Times of Public Health Concern: COVID-19/Coronavirus are available in English and Spanish.

These prayers and prayer suggestions may be used or adapted as needed. Know that your local context may lead to additional prayers that reflect local needs and situations. The conclusion of the prayers may be easily adapted when included as part of the prayers of intercession.

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