Posts in Prayers
3/7/2020 Prayer: Reconciliation wherever there is war

Pray for peace, reconciliation and healing in the world wherever there is conflict or war, especially in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and parts of Africa. Ask that the Spirit of God will guide and inspire political leaders, diplomats and mediators, soldiers and peacekeeping forces to be persistent and unified in seeking peaceful, just and compassionate solutions and treaties.

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Prayers for Crossroads Lutheran, San Tan Valley

We lift up the congregation of Crossroads Lutheran Church in San Tan Valley, a place where people meet friends, meet God, and make life better.

We pray for: Pastor Charles Newman; Louise Gahm, Ministry Coordinator & Next Generation; Kari Schneider, Worship Coordinator; Melanie Moscicki, Social Media Coordinator; Michelle Scavo, Discipleship & Missions Coordinator.

We pray for the church board: Lisa Parrish, Sam Pagliari, Simone Shern, Scott Scavo, and Pam Dienert.

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Prayers for Esperanza Lutheran, Ahwatukee

We pray for the congregation of Esperanza Lutheran Church in Ahwatukee, a loving, joyful, vibrant, diverse, spirit-led community that transforms lives in worship, education, outreach, fellowship and service.

We lift up in prayer: Interim Pastor Carol Breimeier; Lynn Hockenberger, Children of Hope Preschool Director; Joni Thorpe, Parish Administrator; Steve Newell, Band Director; Robin Neely, Adult Choir Director; Ma Lai Gates, Accompanist; O’Neil Filoon, High School Youth Director.

We pray for the the Congregational Council: President Michelle Tinsley; Vice President Rachel Hanania; Treasurer Herb Pinske; Secretary Doris Dorwart; and members Robert Elsaesser, Elizabeth Farquhar, Paul Gerrish, Jessica Mueller, and Peggy Wagner.

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2/24/2020 Prayer: People left homeless after Hurricane Dorian

Remember in prayer the thousands of people left homeless after Hurricane Dorian struck the Bahamas this past September. Pray for the long-term relief and recovery of people impacted, and for the extensive rebuilding of their communities and infrastructures by Lutheran Disaster Response in partnership with the Florida-Bahamas Synod, its congregations, and other agencies.

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2/22/2020 Prayer: Immigrants and refugees

Continue to pray for immigrants and refugees, who often experience daunting challenges and loneliness as they pursue sanctuary and a welcoming place to rebuild their lives in this country. Give thanks for the work of congregations, synods, individuals and agencies in welcoming and accompanying immigrants and refugees as part of the ELCA’s AMMPARO strategy (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities).

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