Posts in Prayers
2/20/2020 Prayer: Stewardship as a way of life

Stewardship is more than annual pledge cards, balanced budgets and financial responses to God’s love ― it’s a way of life. Pray that we will recognize and give thanks for the breadth of resources and assets ― time, talents, possessions and money ― God has entrusted to our care as individuals, families and congregations, and that we will discover ways of using everything we have to live out God’s call to love God and our neighbors.

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Prayers for the family of Bob Malde (Pastor Jeff and Karin Kallevig)

We pray for the family of Bob Malde, who passed away at 2:40pm Monday, February 17, 2020. Bob is the father of Karen Kallevig, who is married to Pastor Jeff Kallevig, Our Saviour’s, Tucson.

Pastor Kallevig writes, “He was surrounded by his family and blessed by God’s grace. Yesterday morning he listened to the worship service of his home congregation on the radio and his family sang hymns of worship along with the congregation that was holding him in prayer, as were many of you. May God grant him everlasting peace, and may the everlasting light of Christ shine upon him.”

A memorial service celebrating his life is tentatively being planned for 1:pm Saturday, 2/22 at First Lutheran Church, Ellensburg WA.

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Prayers for the family of Pastor Jeff and Karin Kallevig

We pray for the family of Pastor Jeff Kallevig and wife Karin, Our Saviour’s, Tucson, who inform us that Karin’s father, Bob Malde, has been in the end-stage of liver cancer for some time. Bob has now stopped chemo and entered home hospice in Washington, where Karin is now.

Pastor Kallevig writes: “We have been blessed by many holy moments over the last two years of his struggle with cancer. So in this time there is a deep sense of gratitude and peace, mixed with the sorrow. Thank you all for your ongoing care and support. Please continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.”

“Almighty God, your love never fails, and you can turn the shadow of death into daybreak. Help us to receive your word with believing hearts, so that, confident in your promises, we may have hope and be lifted out of sorrow into the joy and peace of your presence; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.”

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Prayers for Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran, Flagstaff

We pray for the people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Flagstaff.

We lift up: Pastor Adam Barnhart; Randy Colvard, Sanctuary Choir Director; Allie Papke-Larson, Youth Director; Emily Stice, Nursery Coordinator; Donna Natseway, Pianist and Accompanist; Marie Zelenka, Pianist and Contemporary Worship Team Leader; Sheryl Vrba, Organist; Glenda Odegaard, Physical Property; and Rachael Dingman, Church Office Manager.

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