Posts in Prayers
Installation of Pastors Linda and Cliff Hanus at Mt. Cross, Payson

The Installation Service for Pastors Linda and Cliff Hanus to serve as pastors at Mt. Cross Lutheran Church in Payson will be on Sunday, 3/1 at 9:30 am.  

Ever-living God, strengthen and sustain Pastors Linda and Cliff Hanus, that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people. Grant that together they may follow in the way of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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Prayers for New Spirit Lutheran, Tucson

We pray for Pastor Alan Field and the congregation of New Spirit Lutheran Church in Tucson.

We lift up the charter ministry team leaders: Altar Care, Bob Daliege; Audio Visual, Don Austin, Ken Dobbs, Shelley Colwell; Budget & Finances, Terry Wolfe; Building & Grounds, Ken Dobbs, John Lukecart, Don Crow; Columbarium/Memorial Garden, Jeremy Kwapich; Endowment Board, Don Austin, Edna Walton, Brenda Feller; Memorial Committee, Judy McFarland; Missions and Service, Judy McFarland, Sharon Dobbs, Craig Geiger; Prayer Chain email/telephone, Brenda Feller/Ellie Thompson, Barb Verthein; SOS, Gloria Burke; WELCA, Joyce Dow.

We pray for the the church council: President David Grundstrom; Vice President Jenny Kwapich, Secretary Shelley Colwell; Treasurer Terry Wolfe, President Ex-Officio: Susan Armstrong; Members at Large Laurie Bernard, Amber Uidenich, Martin Mosthaff, Brigitte Stuetze, Deloris Hanneman, and Renee Geiger.

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Prayers of thanksgiving for the Metevelis family's new son

Marissa and Pastor Matthew Metevelis welcome their son into this world: Jeremiah Peter (JP) Metevelis. Both of Reformation Lutheran Church in Las Vegas, Marissa works with youth ministry and Matthew is a pastor.

Marissa writes: “Happy groundhog day, super bowl 100, and birthday to Jeremiah Peter (JP) Metevelis. He arrived earlier than planned 2/2/20, but came into this world @ 1:57am surrounded by family and an amazing birth team…”

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2/1/2020 Prayer: Black History Month

Give thanks for the gifts, accomplishments, influence and witness of our African descent neighbors and siblings in Christ — we stand together to glorify God as partners in the gospel, doing God’s work in the world together. Though we are unified as siblings in Christ, we ask God to guide and help our church as it recommits to the work of racial justice, socioeconomic equity, racial reconciliation and ending racism.

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