Posts in Prayers
11/21/19 Prayer: Affirm both our unity and our diversity in Christ

Pray for congregational and synod ministries and ELCA-related organizations that attend to the unique needs of women and men by encouraging faith, offering opportunities for service, helping develop and support leaders, creating safe environments for conversation and mutual care across generations, and affirming both our unity and our diversity in Christ.

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Prayers for Christ the Lord Lutheran, Carefree

We pray for Christ the Lord Lutheran Church, Carefree, AZ, on a mission to follow Jesus’ example of showing unconditional love…to each other, to the poor and most vulnerable, to all people. We lift up in prayer the congregation and the staff: Pastor Michael C. Johnson; Robin Coleman, Administrative Manager; Mary Sue Hyatt, Director of Music Ministries; Kirk Douglas, CtL Chorale Director; Lincoln Wright, Organist; Jill Nelles-Voss, Accompanist; Roni Frash, Faith Development Aide; and Sherry Holton, Nursery.

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Prayers for the Kirkpatrick and Reed family

We pray for those mourning the passing of Austin Kirkpatrick, son of Mike and Alecia Kirkpatrick, and grandson of Mike and Pat Reed. Austin passed away at Mayo Hospital while fighting valley fever.

Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Merciful God, you give us the grace that helps in time of need. Surround us with your steadfast love and lighten our burden.

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PrayersBrian FlatgardComment