Posts in Prayers
10/1 Prayer: ELCA Disability Ministries

Give thanks for ELCA Disability Ministries and its work of connecting and assisting congregations, ministries and members to invite all people into full participation in this church and in the world. Pray that the Spirit will enrich and further the work and advocacy of intellectual and developmental disabilities ministries, mental illness ministries, deaf ministries, and blindness and visual impairment ministries.

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9/30 Prayer: Promises spoken at our baptisms

Give praise and glory to God that through our worship and liturgy we will be reminded of the promises spoken at our baptisms, the forgiveness and new life we receive through the washing with water and the word of God, and the call we receive to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness — as individuals and communities of faith.

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We pray for Spirit of Grace, Surprise, AZ

We pray for Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church in Surprise, AZ. We lift up: Harold Stromer, Interim Pastor; Dave Sitzman, Church Council President; Sue Kopcha, Council Vice President; Vicki McCarville, Council Secretary; Council Members Spence Videon, Dick Lyda, Richard Johnson, Robin Aguilar, Treedah Magee, and Phyllis Borchardt; Sheila Marlow, Admin Assistant; Fred Bornhoeft, Director of Music; Deb Frusciano, Faith Community Nurse; Gerry White, Finance Director; Glenn Schultz, Accountant; Jerry Huston, Facilities Manager; Norm Lindstrom, Assistant to Facilities Manager; Ken Carnes, Choir Director; and Accompanists Georgette Harper and Elaine Indahl.

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9/23 Prayer: Ministry candidates

Remember in prayer ministry candidates who have responded to God’s call to ministry and leadership through the church and are involved in the process of preparation, discernment and waiting for assignment. Pray for candidates and their families during this time that can be both joyful and anxious; and pray that leaders and ELCA staff involved in the assignment process will be guided by the Holy Spirit in their discernment and decision-making.

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